Understanding the World of Academically & Intellectually Gifted Watson School of Education AIG Mini-Conference Angela Housand, Ph.D.
Giftedness in Context
Why discuss giftedness in context? No Universal Definition of Giftedness NC State Board of Education – alignment of program delivery with student identification Student Success
What gifted program services does your school offer? Differentiation AIG coordinator collaboration w/ teacher Small group Collaboration big Nurturing in K-2 AIG person w/ teachers for referral Domain specific Nurturing to provide access Pull-out Content Extension Homogeneous grouping Flexible grouping Think lab (visual/spatial) Directing to approp. Teacher
3 Ring Conception of Giftedness
(Reis, 1995, 1998, 2005; Renzulli, 1978, 1986; Sternberg & Lubart 1993; Van- Tassel Baska 1989; Walberg et. al. 1981; Walberg & Paik, 2005) Image: Characteristic of Eminent Adults Ability to focus for long periods of time
Above Average Ability Characteristic of Eminent Adults (Cox, 1926; Reis, 1995; Walberg et. al., 1981; Walberg & Paik, 2005) Image:
Characteristic of Eminent Adults Motivated (Reis, 1995; Walberg et. al. 1981; Walberg & Paik, 2005)
Characteristics: Seeing Unusual alertness Joy in learning Keen observation Sees “Big Picture” Makes connections Intense focus Curious
Characteristics: Speed Early and rapid learning Rapid language development Metacognitively efficient
Characteristics: Differences Superior language Verbal fluency Large vocabulary Superior analytical and reasoning ability High-capacity memory Goes beyond what is sought Abstract, complex, and insightful thinking
Gifted Behaviors NOT Gifted People!
Creative Giftedness School House Giftedness
Independent High energy Curious Sense of humor Open-minded Need for privacy and alone time
Aware of their own creativeness Originality in thought and action Attracted to complexity and novelty Artistic tendencies Willing to take risks Perceptive
Creative Imaginative Innovative A Sense of Destiny Characteristic of Eminent Adults
Impulsive Egotistical Argumentative Rebellious Uncooperative Stubborn Childish Absentminded Neurotic Temperamental Capricious Careless Disorganized Demanding Indifferent to Conventions
Characteristics: Negative Uneven mental development Interpersonal difficulties Underachievement
Asynchronous Development Uneven intellectual, physical, and emotional development.
Asynchronous Development Cognitively understand advanced concepts (like mortality) but lack emotional maturity to cope with knowledge Perceived as older due to cognitive ability, but lack behavioral maturity
Underachievers: Personality Low self-esteem or Low self-efficacy Feelings of Pessimism Anxious, impulsive, or inattentive Aggressive, hostile Depressed Socially immature
Internal Mediators Fear of failure Fear of success Negative attitude toward school Antisocial, rebellious Self-critical or perfectionistic
Lack goal-directed behavior Poor coping skills Poor self-regulation Defense mechanisms Maladaptive Strategies
Not all bad… Demonstrate honesty and integrity when rejecting inappropriate school work Intense outside interests Creative
What about these characteristics? Inability to master certain academic skills Lack of motivation Disruptive classroom behavior Failure to complete assignments Lack of organizational skills Poor listening and concentration skills Unrealistic self-expectations
Twice-Exceptional Gifted with Learning Disability May also demonstrate Learned helplessness Perfectionism Supersensitivity Low self-esteem Behaviors may hamper identification
Look For: Advanced vocabulary use Exceptional analytic abilities High levels of creativity Advanced problem-solving skills Divergent thinking Specific aptitude Good memory Spatial abilities
What differentiates gifted learners from high achievers?
Bright Knows the Answers Gifted Asks the Questions
Bright Is Attentive Gifted Is Intellectually Engaged
Bright Has Good Ideas Gifted Has Original Ideas
Bright Absorbs Information Gifted Manipulates Information
Bright Top Student Gifted Beyond Her Age Peers
Bright Repeats 6-8 Times for Mastery Gifted Repeats 1-2 Times for Mastery
Bright Understands Ideas Gifted Constructs Abstractions
Bright Grasps the Meaning Gifted Draws Inferences
Bright Is a Technician Gifted Is an Inventor
The Question of Equity Equity, the quality of being fair, is not about offering the exact same thing to every student, it is providing individuals with suitable challenges and experiences that will enable them to be successful and grow beyond where they are now or where they have been before.
Thank You.