MLA Refresher Course : Presenters: Emily Heady & Jim Nutter
Mechanics, Format, & Documentation Jim Nutter 1 st Edition (1980) 6 th Edition (2003)
The Basics Parenthetical documentation is used (Smith 100). Parenthetical documentation is used (Smith 100). The bibliography is called a Works Cited page The bibliography is called a Works Cited page No title page unless the professor requests it No title page unless the professor requests it
Chapter 4: The Format of the Paper
Short Quotes vs. Long Quotes Short Quotes No more than 4 lines (prose) No more than 4 lines (prose) No more than 3 lines (poetry) No more than 3 lines (poetry) Long Quotes More than 4 lines (prose) More than 4 lines (prose) More than 3 lines (poetry) More than 3 lines (poetry)
Chapter 3: Formatting Long Quotes Indent 10 spaces (2 tabs) from left margin Indent 10 spaces (2 tabs) from left margin Double space Double space Remove quotation marks Remove quotation marks Period goes before parenthetical citation Period goes before parenthetical citation Introduce with a complete sentence followed by a colon (109) Introduce with a complete sentence followed by a colon (109)
Chapter 7: Abbreviations Publishers’ Names (273-74)
Chapter 5: Works Cited Page
Chapter 5: Documentation Preparing a List of Works Cited BOOK Author’s name. Title of Book. Publication information. Author’s name. Title of Book. Publication information. Fukuyama, Francis. Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution. New York: Farrer, 2002.
Chapter 5: Documentation Preparing a List of Works Cited Citing the editor of an anthology Citing the editor of an anthology McMichael, George, ed. Anthology of American Literature. 9th ed. Vol. 1. New York: MacMillan, Citing a work in the anthology Citing a work in the anthology Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Anthology of American Literature. Ed. George McMichael. 9th ed. Vol. 1. New York: MacMillan,
Chapter 5: Documentation Preparing a List of Works Cited JOURNAL Author’s name. “Title of the article.” Publication information. Author’s name. “Title of the article.” Publication information. Trumpener, Katie. “Memories Carved in Granite: Great War Memorials and Everyday Life.” PMLA 115 (2000):
Chapter 5: Documentation Preparing a List of Works Cited LECTURE Railton, Stephen. “Christ Figures in Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” The University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA. 11 June 2007.
Chapter 3: The Mechanics of Writing Underlining vs. Italics “If you wish to use italics rather than underlining, check your instructor’s preferences” (94).
Chapter 3: The Mechanics of Writing Underlined Titles 1. Books 2. Plays 3. Long Poems 4. Pamphlets 5. Periodicals 6. Ships 7. Films & TV shows “Titles” in Quotation Marks 1. Short stories 2. Short poems 3. Chapters 4. Songs 5. TV episodes 6. Lectures 7. Articles in newspapers, magazines, & encyclopedias
Chapter 3: The Mechanics of Writing Citing Scripture Abbreviate books of the Bible (276-77) Abbreviate books of the Bible (276-77) Use a period, not a colon, between chapter and verse: John 3.16 Use a period, not a colon, between chapter and verse: John 3.16
Chapter 3: The Mechanics of Writing Ellipsis Old format: sentence [...] sentence Old format: sentence [...] sentence 6 th edition format: sentence... sentence 6 th edition format: sentence... sentence
Paperclip vs. Staple “ Many prefer that a paper be secured with a simple paperclip, which may be easily removed and restored” (138).
Citing Electronic Publications Emily Heady
General Information When citing an electronic source, try to keep your formatting as much like a print citation as possible. When citing an electronic source, try to keep your formatting as much like a print citation as possible. There are a few rules for citing electronic sources, but you may have to make judgment calls. There are a few rules for citing electronic sources, but you may have to make judgment calls. You will often have inadequate information; just use what you have. You will often have inadequate information; just use what you have. The goal is always clarity: use whatever means necessary (within reason) to make it possible for someone reading your work to find the source you cite. The goal is always clarity: use whatever means necessary (within reason) to make it possible for someone reading your work to find the source you cite.
Web Pages Author. “Title of Selection.” Title of Print Publication Author. “Title of Selection.” Title of Print Publication and volume.issue (date): pages. Title of Web Page. Editor. Date of publication or latest update. Sponsoring organization or institution. Date of access. Smith, John. “A Book Review.” I’m a Print Publication 8 Smith, John. “A Book Review.” I’m a Print Publication 8 (1992): Reviews of Philip Roth’s Work. Ed. Hieronymus Bosch The Philip Roth Society. 6 Aug
Some Other Examples A home page: A home page: Spears, Britney. Home Page. 19 July Aug A whole web page: A whole web page: Electronic Text Center. Ed. David Seaman Alderman Lib., U of Virginia. 19 June
E-Books Author or editor/translator (if no author). Title. Author or editor/translator (if no author). Title. Ed./Trans. name. City: Press, date of publication. Online Source. Ed. Date of access. Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Ed. Henry Churchyard. Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Ed. Henry Churchyard Jane Austen Information Page. 6 Sept Ovid. Metamorphoses. Trans. Arthur Golding. London, Ovid. Metamorphoses. Trans. Arthur Golding. London, The Perseus Digital Library. Ed. Gregory Crane. Apr Tufts U. 16 May 2002.
Online Periodicals A scholarly article: A scholarly article: Teeshirt, Random. “Do Be Do Be Do: Sinatra and Socrates.” The Journal of Clever Apparel 10 (2007): The Journal of Clever Apparel. 3 Aug A news story: A news story: “Spears Accused of Making Death Threats.” The Associated Press.1 Aug
Library Subscription Services Some Rules: Some Rules: –For items that originally appeared in print, preserve the print entry as much as possible, omitting information not provided in the online version. –Try to conclude with the URL. –Pare down the URL to a workable size, and, if necessary, include a keyword.
A Subscription/Database Example “This Is an Amazing Workshop!: Thoughts from LU “This Is an Amazing Workshop!: Thoughts from LU Faculty.” The Secret Journal of Liberty Faculty 35 (2007): 1-2. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Liberty U, ILRC. 1 Aug Keyword: Faculty Orientation.
Personal Communications An An Heady, Emily. “Your paper is late!” to I. M. Slothful. 10 May Slothful, I.M. to the author. 13 May An online posting: An online posting: Bishop, Andrew. "Upcoming Event – Mark Your Calendars!" Online posting. 16 February Dr. Prior's Book Clique. 7 March 2007.
MLA Format: Frequently Asked Questions
Useful Links Citing Your Research: Useful Links /index.cfm?PID= /index.cfm?PID=11859 Graduate Writing Center MLA MLA APA APA Turabian Turabian Chicago Chicago