A getting-started guide for Ohio’s students from INFOhio
Since it’s the last page of my project, I should do it last…right? WRONG! Librarians recommend that you start a document when you begin your research. Collecting the citation information for the resources as you use them will save you time in the end!
Books Computers Online Databases Helpful and knowledgeable Librarians!
No more underlining – titles and name of online product are now italicized. No more long URLs – only use URL of resource if the citation information does not lead easily to the source. Continuous pagination – no longer required. Publication medium – include the medium type such as print, Web, performance, etc. New abbreviations – for missing information, such as n.d. for no date, n.p. for no publisher.
Last, First. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Copyright Date. Format. (Double-space lines and indent second line 5 spaces) Sherrow, Victoria. Women in the Military. New York: Chelsea House, Print.
Author Last Name, First Name. “Article Title.” Name of Journal Volume #. Issue # (or date): Page-Page. Name of Database. Subscription Service. Web. Day Month Year accessed.. (Double-space lines and indent second line 5 spaces) Margaonis, Maria. “The UK's Climate Rebels.” Nation (2009): Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 8 Dec
Title. Dir. First Name Last Name. Film's Year of Release. Distributor, Year. Publication Medium. (Double-space lines and indent second line 5 spaces) African American Lives. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., PBS Home Video, DVD.
Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of Page.” Name of Web Site. Publisher or Sponsor, Date of Publication. Web. Day Month Year accessed.. (Double-space lines and indent second line 5 spaces) “Civil War.” Ohio History Central. Ohio Historical Society Web. 8 Dec
Ask your librarian to print the MLA Citation document available from INFOhio. Word: doc doc PDF: pdf pdf It contains information on the most commonly cited sources.
Biographies Periodicals Ohio Newspapers Science Content Encyclopedias And much more…
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