MLA Style Reports
MLA Report Set all margins to 1 inch. Set header and footer margin at.5 inches. Double space entire report. Create a header with your last name and page number right aligned. –View/Header Footer
MLA Style Report At Left Margin type –Your Name –Instructor's name (Mr. Mosbacher) –Course (Eighth Grade Technical Lab) –Due Date (11 February 2009) –Press enter Center title on the top line and type in initial caps. If the title is longer than one line, then double space between the lines.
MLA Style Report Indent paragraphs. In the body of the paper, references are placed in parentheses using the author’s last name and the page number(s) where the referenced information is located, like: (Brown 21-24) or if author is unknown list by article title (“Pearl Harbor”). Parenthetical reference is place before ending punctuation.
MLA Style Report Paper is not written in first person Paper is written in five-paragraph essay format
MLA Style “Works Cited Page” Used instead of bibliography. Use a separate numbered page. Title of the page is "Works Cited" (without quotes), centered 1-inch from the top of page. Double space all lines. Use a ½" hanging indent for all source entries. Author’s last name goes first. Alphabetize entries. Paste from prior citation document.