How to Set Up an MLA Heading La Jolla High School
Set Margins ROpen a word processing program such as Microsoft Word®. RSet the margins for 1 inch (all four sides.) ROpen a word processing program such as Microsoft Word®. RSet the margins for 1 inch (all four sides.)
Create Your Heading RThe heading is typed in the top left corner of your paper. RThere is a specific order to the four pieces of information you need to include. RThe heading is typed in the top left corner of your paper. RThere is a specific order to the four pieces of information you need to include.
Your Name RType your name in normal order: First Name Last Name RDo not reverse the order and insert a comma. RType your name in normal order: First Name Last Name RDo not reverse the order and insert a comma.
Teacher’s Name RThe second line states your teacher’s name. RInclude the Mr. or Mrs. or Dr. or Ms. or Professor or whichever is appropriate for your teacher. RYou do not need to use your teacher’s first name. RThe second line states your teacher’s name. RInclude the Mr. or Mrs. or Dr. or Ms. or Professor or whichever is appropriate for your teacher. RYou do not need to use your teacher’s first name.
Class Name RIn college you would include the full name of the class, for example, Film Studies 46. RIn high school, we would also like you to include the period number: Advanced World History, Period 5 RIn college you would include the full name of the class, for example, Film Studies 46. RIn high school, we would also like you to include the period number: Advanced World History, Period 5
The Date RMLA format uses this order for the date: Day Month Year RNo commas are used. RExample: 11 September 2001 RMLA format uses this order for the date: Day Month Year RNo commas are used. RExample: 11 September 2001
Example: Joe Smith Mrs. Dill AP Psychology, Period 2 12 September 2012 Joe Smith Mrs. Dill AP Psychology, Period 2 12 September 2012
Title RCreate a title. RFollow the directions your teacher gives concerning the title. When possible, make your title unique and specific. RCreate a title. RFollow the directions your teacher gives concerning the title. When possible, make your title unique and specific.
Example RBad example: College Essay PreWrite #1 RGood example: Snapping Turtles and Dragonflies: My Biology Epiphany RBad example: College Essay PreWrite #1 RGood example: Snapping Turtles and Dragonflies: My Biology Epiphany
Create a Header RA header is different than a heading. RThe header goes on the top right of each page. RA header is different than a heading. RThe header goes on the top right of each page.
The Header RUse the feature in your word processing program to create a header. RJustify the header to the right. RUse the feature in your word processing program to create a header. RJustify the header to the right.
The Header RType your last name. RAfter your last name, put a space, then insert an automatic page number. Do not use “Page” or “p.” or anything except the number. RClose the header feature. RType your last name. RAfter your last name, put a space, then insert an automatic page number. Do not use “Page” or “p.” or anything except the number. RClose the header feature.
Example: Smith 2
To Review RWhat goes in the heading? Student’s Name Teacher’s Name Class Name Date RWhat goes in the header? Last Name #(page number) RWhat goes in the heading? Student’s Name Teacher’s Name Class Name Date RWhat goes in the header? Last Name #(page number)
To Review RWhat size are the margins? 1 inch on all four sides RWhere does the title go? centered, below the heading RWhat size are the margins? 1 inch on all four sides RWhere does the title go? centered, below the heading
Spacing and Font RRemember to double space your typing. RThe font should be 12 point and a plain legible font; Times or Helvetica are good. RRemember to double space your typing. RThe font should be 12 point and a plain legible font; Times or Helvetica are good.
Works Cited RRemember if you use sources, you will need to have a Works Cited page at the end of your paper. RThere are specific rules for the format for your Works Cited page. Refer to an MLA handbook. RRemember if you use sources, you will need to have a Works Cited page at the end of your paper. RThere are specific rules for the format for your Works Cited page. Refer to an MLA handbook.
Web Site for MLA
Just a Suggestion RSet up an MLA format paper now. RSave it as a template, and then open it each time you need to write a paper this year. RSet up an MLA format paper now. RSave it as a template, and then open it each time you need to write a paper this year.
Example: Your Name Last 1 Teacher’s Name Class Name, Period # Date Title of the Paper Indent when you start typing your paper to say what you need to say; in other words, use paragraphs. Your Name Last 1 Teacher’s Name Class Name, Period # Date Title of the Paper Indent when you start typing your paper to say what you need to say; in other words, use paragraphs.
The End