MLA Format - Electronic Databases Entry for an Information Database Article from a Periodical This entry includes six main divisions: Author’s name “Title of Article” in quotation marks Name of periodical in italics and day, month, year, and page numbers Name of Database in italics Medium of publication Access date For example : Williams, Jeffrey J. “Why Today’s Publishing World Is Reprising the Past.” Chronicle of Higher Education 13 Oct. 2008: B8-B10. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 14 Jan 2011.
Author’s Name Type the author’s last name first (comma) and then the rest of the name (middle initial is placed after first name) and end with a period. Williams, Jeffrey J. Title of article Type the title of the article in quotations using title case and end with a period inside the quotations. “Why Today's Publishing World Is Reprising the Past.” Title of periodical and day, month, year, and pages Type the title of the journal italicized using title case followed by the day, the month abbrievated followed by a period, and the year followed by a colon then page numbers and end with a period. Chronicle of Higher Education 13 Oct. 2008: B8-B10. Name of database Type the name of the database italicized (period) MasterFILE Premier. Access date Type the date you found the article day month abbreviated (period) year (period) 14 Jan Medium of publication Type medium, such as Web or Print, then (period) Web.
Quiz 1 Look at this example from a database available through the LAMC Library. Gather the information you will need to create a Works Cited entry for a magazine from this online database source.
Quiz 1a You should have collected the following information. Now put the information in the correct order for a Works Cited entry. Be sure to check all punctuation and formatting (italics, indentation, title case). Title: Big Ben or Big Brother? Source: Newsweek (Atlantic Edition) 1996 v52 n1 p111 (11) Author(s): William Underhill Database: MasterFILE Premier Access date: 3/13/2001 Underhill, William.“Big Ben or Big Brother?” MasterFILE Premier. 13 Mar Web. Newsweek (Atlantic Edition).28 Feb. 2000:
Quiz 2 Place the following information in the correct order for a Works Cited entry for a newspaper from an online database source. Be sure to check all punctuation and formatting (underlines, indentation, title case). Title: Scientists debating future of hormone replacement Source: from the New York Times newpaper, on October 23, 2002 page A20 Author(s): Gina Kolata Database: National Newspapers (5) Access date: 3/13/2011 Kolata, Gina. “Scientists Debating Future of Hormone Replacement.” New York Times National Newspapers (5). Web. 23 Aug. 2007: A Mar
CQ Researcher Online. Quiz 3 Place the following information in the correct order for a Works Cited entry for a journal from an online database source. Be sure to check all punctuation and formatting (underlines, indentation, title case). Title: Boys’ emotional needs: Is growing up tougher for boys than for girls? Source: from the CQ Researcher database, on June 18, 1999 Author(s): Sarah Glazer Database: CQ Researcher Online, CQ Press section Access date: 3/2/2004 Glazer, Sarah. “Is Growing Up Tougher for Boys Than for Girls?” CQ Researcher Web. 2 Mar June 1999.