'Youth Matters' and culture delivering Change for Children engage international conference Arnolfini, 18 November 2005 Rhiannon Johns Museum Development.


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Presentation transcript:

'Youth Matters' and culture delivering Change for Children engage international conference Arnolfini, 18 November 2005 Rhiannon Johns Museum Development Officer, SWMLAC Martin Thomas Head of Learning, Arts Council England South West Amber Walls Development Co-ordinator, en-vision

Introduction policy context case study discussion group feedback

The Children Act (2004) 5 overarching aims for children to: be healthy stay safe enjoy and achieve make a positive contribution to society achieve economic well-being Children and young peoples lives: ‘Change for Children: Every Child Matters’

Outcomes, priorities and activities - Cultural Hubs 2005/08 (ACE/MLA/LEAs) - Literature Matters (ACE/MLA) - Sure Start activities - Race Equality Scheme (ACE) - Diversity action plans (MLA) - Information literacy - PAYP (multi-agencies) - Work with Children’s Trusts - Regional arts and health forum - Arts and health audit - Grants for the arts (ACE) Raising school standards Improving the quality of life Enjoying and achieving Creating safer and stronger communities Young people at risk Staying safe Promoting healthier communities Being healthy

Outcomes, priorities and activities - Creative industries - Artists Time Space Money (ACE) -M/L/As in local communities - Culture at the heart of regeneration (DCMS) Promoting the economic vitality of localities Transforming local environment Economic well being - Arts Award (ACE) - Artsmark (ACE) - Youth arts panels/forum - Volunteering opportunities - Creative Partnerships (ACE) - Renaissance museums (MLA) Making a positive contribution Safer and stronger communities through cultural activity

‘Youth Matters’ (2005) expresses the desire that young people have…  more things to do and places to go in their local area, and more choice and influence over what is available  more opportunities to volunteer and to make a contribution to their local community, building on the work of the Russell Commission  better information, advice and guidance about issues that matter to them, delivered in the way they want to receive it  better support when they need extra help to deal with a problem

‘Youth Matters’ (2005) early findings…  safe and enjoyable spaces for young people: arts marketing was viewed as poor. YP keen arts venues should advertise on television, use MSN; cited negative stereotyping of museums and libraries as barrier  voluntary work viewed positively: YP feel valued when they are able to help others, and opportunities are considered useful for future career prospects. They were clear that involving YP in communities, projects, buildings = make them feel proud and more respectful of public spaces  valued idea of certificates and awards, recognising that they could assist them in finding careers better support when they need extra help to deal problem  face-to-face advice was the most useful; existing services sometimes over formal and intimidating  generally positive about Opportunity Cards but challenged use of money (invest in better activities and choice, not gimmicks)

DCMS 5 year strategy Everyone ‘experiencing culture’  ‘Creative Sparks’/ ‘Discover’ for children and young people  Links between sustainable communities and culture and creativity  Cultural Hub pathfinders in 3 regions  CPA and Local Area Agreements: more emphasis on culture for local government  Profile and prestige: international programmes; inc digitisation  Listening to users/non-users/potential users

DfES 5 year priorities  Personalisation and choice: children's services, parents and learners at the centre  Opening up services to new and different providers and alternative ways of delivering services  Freedom and independence for frontline head teachers, governors and managers. Clearer accountabilities; streamlined funding arrangements  Commitment to staff development, support and training to improve assessment, care and teaching  Partnerships with parents, employers, volunteers and VOs to maximise life chances for all

Schools White Paper, autumn 2005 'School trusts‘: governance, determination, transition (LEA to independence)  Better outcomes for every child: vision is a tailored offer for every child. Personalised learning, reinforced by focus on health and behaviour  School Improvement Partners will hold schools to account for progress  strong impetus to schools to engage with parents and respond to views  Children’s Information Services will give parents information about children’s services locally and advice  Parents offered information sessions when child starts primary or secondary schools [advice on issues inc bullying]  schools will receive advice and support to meet the aspirations of socially excluded pupils, BME parents and pupils

Sharing information about vulnerable children: Schools working with other children’s services and new Local Safeguarding Children Boards to share information about children at risk and act to ensure their safety. HMG to consult on new duty on LAs to identify children missing education Children’s Trusts to offer more effective help for problems. A Common Assessment Framework piloted - Simple common tool to identify additional needs and early intervention Schools working in partnership: LAs to consult schools about Children and Young People’s Plan, schools to work with CYPP in creating School Development Plans LAs to commission rather than provide education, put children/families at heart of the design and delivery

Operating context Local Area Agreements  Summarise ODPM guidance and four shared priorities  Wider context, affecting regional agencies and cultural organisations  Expectation of local government: changes in user patterns; funding pressures on local authorities  Govt Office internal restructuring of DfES associates and advisors  Local Authority Partnership Agreements informing LAAs

Cultural and creative agencies − Core is about expanding and improving on the (DCMS) cultural offer; consultation and evidence base to inform future plans − Cultural and creative partners working together to ensure momentum (GOs; regional cultural consortia) − Children, young people & the arts;Young people at risk (ACE) − Arts Award, Artsmark and other ‘offers’ (ACE) − ‘Young People & Creativity’ internal papers propose models for embedding CP, delivering offer, managing change (ACE/CP) − Measuring learning/social outcomes (MLA)

Cat Cairn: The Kielder Skyspace by James Turrell Photographer: Mark Pinder Thank you