What is MLA and why do we use it? MLA Research What is MLA and why do we use it?
The format you will use to record your research is called MLA. This stands for Modern Language Association. Why do we use this format? Each subject area follows its own format. When conducting research in an English or language arts class, the rule is that we use MLA. Other subjects may use a different format, so you must always check to make sure you are using the correct format for that subject area.
MLA requires that researchers cite, or record, their information and the sources that information comes from in a certain way. How you cite the publishing information depends on what type of source from which you are recording research information. First determine what type of source you are reading. Then, look up the MLA guidelines for that source. You must write the publishing information in exactly the same order that MLA instructs you to do so! Record this information BEFORE taking any notes.
Take notes using direct quotations, paraphrases, or summaries. Direct Quotations: This is when an author states an idea so well that you feel you cannot change the words into your own. If you choose this method of note taking, copy the author’s words EXACTLY as they appear in the text and put quotation marks around the words copied. Quotation marks let the reader know that these words are the author’s, NOT yours.
Take notes using direct quotations, paraphrases, or summaries. Paraphrase: This is when you change the author’s words into your own without changing the author’s ideas. You don’t put quotation marks around your writing.
Take notes using direct quotations, paraphrases, or summaries. Summary: This is when you rewrite the main ideas of a long passage into only a few sentences. This is most helpful when you want to record the main ideas of a passage instead of rewriting or copying each sentence.
After directly quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing, record the author’s last name and page number at the end of the sentence. MLA format requires that researchers provide the author’s last name and page number of any recorded information. EX: “Soccer fans are reported to be some of the most dedicated sports fans in the world” (Escalante 42). Notice that the author’s last name and page number are written inside parenthesis and that the period is placed outside the parenthesis. This information is called a parenthetical citation since the information is inside the parenthesis.
Lastly, MLA requires that you make a Works Cited, or a list of texts you used in your paper. First, the word Works Cited must appear at the center/top of a separate sheet of paper. This will be the last sheet of paper in your research report. Next, you must alphabetize the different sources you used. This means you must place them in A-Z order according to the author’s last name. If the author’s last name is not available, you use the title of the article. Then, record the information exactly as you wrote it down on your note sheets. However, there are two special things you must do……..
Two important things to remember…. Make sure that all of your publishing information for each source is double spaced. Make sure to start at the left margin when recording each new source. If your publishing information is long enough to require more than one line of writing, you must indent each line AFTER the first line.