Aim: To learn how to cite sources correctly. Homework due today: to bring your THHS style manual to class.
Step One Get your hands on an MLA Style Manual. Purchase the THHS MLA Style Manual and visit the following website: /557/01/ /557/01/ Feel free to visit… shop/citmla.htmhttp:// shop/citmla.htm …as well.
Step Two Use your THHS style manual and any online style manual that you trust!
Can you trust this two website? Where is it located? Purdue University Can you trust Purdue University? YES … I think.
Let us see…
Let us visit… /557/01/ /557/01/ And find out how to… Cite an interview, an , or whatever you can think of. We’ll come back to this website.
What is the difference between a Bibliography and a Works Cited List? Works Cited and Bibliography are not the same. In Works Cited you only list items you have actually cited. In a Bibliography you list all of the material you have consulted in preparing your essay whether or not you have actually cited the work. ~
And for those of you who basically knew how to cite sources, what is the most common mistake? Bulleting or numbering
And the second most common mistake is…? You must remember to alphabetize your sources!
In addition, you must always use… Parenthetical citations … What are parenthetical citations?
E.g.: The modern world requires both the ability to concentrate on one thing and the ability to attend to more than one thing at a time: "Ideally, each individual would cultivate a repertoire of styles of attention, appropriate to different situations, and would learn how to embed activities and types of attention one within another" (Bateson 97).
Activity Working in groups try to cite… A magazine article you read A personal interview you conducted An letter you received A film you watched on DVD Add as many sources to cite as you wish depending on how much time is left in class.
Let us visit… /557/01/ /557/01/ And find out how to… Cite an interview, an , or whatever you can think of. We’re back!
You also use… And similar such websites such as Easybib etc. However, verify that they are reliable. Note that the above MLA “citation generator” was created by a Community College located in California. Therefore, hopefully… it can be trusted.