Capítulo 11: Presentación de Programas (Optional) partner project.
Project Description You and your partner are television writers who are trying to sell your ideas to different television stations. In order to convince producers to buy and produce your shows, you need to prepare a presentation to sell your ORIGINAL ideas. The television executives have provided you with a list of required information that they expect you to cover during your presentations. If any of the requirements are not met, your offers will be rejected!
Requirements 1. Select 4 tv show styles (documental, telenovela, noticias, etc) 2. For each tv show style, you must do the following: Give a title in SPANISH A brief description of contents Days of the week shown Start and end time Channel 3. A poster that includes a picture representation of each program
Check list Program 1: TitleDescriptionDaysStart time End timeChannel Program 2: TitleDescriptionDaysStart time End timeChannel Program 3: TitleDescriptionDaysStart time End timeChannel Program 4: TitleDescriptionDaysStart time End timeChannel Display poster
Example El viernes en canal 17 hay un documental que se llama En la vida: En caso de emergencia. El documental es sobre una banda punk y sus música y conciertos. Dura 2 horas. Empieza a las 7:30 de la tarde y termina a las 9:30 de la noche.
DUE DATE: You will present your projects in class on MONDAY AND TUESDAY, January 9 th and 10 th. Yes, you do need to hand in your OWN project worksheet. If you have lost yours, click here to print a new one!click here
WHAT MAKES A PERFECT PROJECT? Standards Criteria Trabajo Sobresaliente Content Included all components listed on project sheet Comprehensibility Each of your components was clear and easily understood Accuracy All spelling, grammar, word order, and punctuation were correct Organization All portions of the poster are neat and correct Effort All class time was used efficiently & Evidence of quality out of class time Pronunciation Natural rhythm and pronunciation. Enthuasiam
Now what? Pick your partner Brainstorm ideas Today, tomorrow and Thursday are your workdays. Come prepared to work effectively for 42 minutes!