NARHS/MLA Highlights
Collection Development
NAHRS Websites
Our Members Our Spirits
Section Meeting
NAHRS Firsts: Lois Miller, 1st MLA Board Member
1960’s Access to Nursing Literature
MLA 1983
NAHRS Award to Virginia Henderson Virginia Henderson, RN, PhD, founder of the Interagency Council of Library Resources for Nursing & editor of the Nursing Studies Index receives 1 st NAHRS Award from Dorcas McCormick,1985 Chair, to honor her outstanding achievement in the field of nursing information.
Virginia Henderson at MLA 1985
NAHRS Firsts: Newsletter
NAHRS Firsts: MLA Award
NAHRS Firsts: Librarian of the Year Award 1994
NAHRS 35 th Anniversary 1997
NAHRS Members at MLA 1997
Poster at MLA 1998
MLA 1999
2000 Award and NAHRS Poster
MLA 2001
NAHRS Members at MLA 2001
MLA 2002
MLA 2003
MLA 2004
MLA 2005
MLA 2006
NAHRS 45 th Anniversary 2007
NAHRS Chairs
MLA 2008
MLA 2008 NAHRS Posters
MLA 2009
MLA 2010
MLA 2011
NAHRS Research Poster at MLA 2011
NAHRS at MLA Section Shuffle
Moving Forward… NAHRS continues to insure excellence in: Working within MLA to serve the interests and concerns of librarians responsible for services to the Nursing and Allied Health professions; Fostering the professional growth of its members; Promoting the provision of high quality library service; and Providing leadership in identifying and solving problems in nursing and allied health information delivery.
Janet G. Schnall, MS,AHIP Margaret (Peg) Allen, MLS,FMLA Lin Wu, MLIS,AHIP Wanda E. Anderson