Mrs. Lane 9CP Classes
Heading for works cited page: Works Cited (p. 23) The listing of the sources are to be in alphabetical order (ABC order) If there is not an author for a book or EbscoHost article, begin with the title Double-space the entries Hanging indent for second lines of individual entries
5 steps 1. Author name. (last name first, first name, middle initial) 2. Title of book. 3. City, State of publication:* 4. Publisher, 5. Year of Publication, 6. Print. Remember the cities that do not require the state?
1. Isaac Asimov 2. The Greeks: A Great Adventure 3. Boston, MA 4. Houghton Mifflin Asimov, Isaac. The Greeks: A Great Adventure. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1965 Print.
1. Jack L. Goldsmith and Tim Wu 2. Who Controls the Internet? Illusions of a Borderless World 3. New York, NY 4. Oxford UP Goldsmith, Jack L. and Tim Wu. Who Controls the Internet? Illusions of a Borderless World. New York: Oxford UP, 2006, Print.
1. Author name(s). 2. “Title of article.” 3. Title of publication 4. Publication information volume#:issue # (Date of publication): pages. (if available) 1. n.p. if unavailable 5. Database. 6. Online service. 7. Library, location. 7. City, State 8. Date article accessed 7. DD MM YYYY 9. Web.
1. Carter W. Johnson 2. “Vulnerability of Northern Prairie Wetlands to Climate Change.” 3. Bioscience 4. 55: 10 (2005) MasterFile Premier 6. EBSCO 7. Port Allegany High School Library, Port Allegany, PA 8. March 2, 2009
Johnson, Carter W. “Vulnerability of Northern Prairie Wetlands to Climate Change.” Bioscience 55:10 (2005): MasterFile Premier. EBSCO. PAHS Library, Port Allegany, PA. 02 Mar. 2009, Web.
On a separate sheet of paper Create the correct MLA citation for your one of your books. Must be ready at the beginning of the class period! Give to Mrs. Line!