Lesson #8 Who Said That? Topic: Teacher: Grade: Date: Period(s): Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Relationship to Current Content in Regular Classroom: (*) indicates a modification or accommodation
Learning Target I can cite a resource I used in MLA format.
AASL/ Common Core Crosswalk Use information technology responsibly Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning. CC.9-10.W.8 Research to Build and Present Knowledge: Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation. CC L.6 Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
Vocabulary Bibliography Citation MLA APA URL Style sheet EasyBib
Agenda 1.Teach the vocabulary for this lesson. 2.Explain why citations are a necessary part of the research process. 3.Demonstrate an online approach to citations using EasyBib. *Instructions/directions given in different channels (written, spoken, demonstration) 4.Demonstrate an online approach to citations using arding%20Library%20Documents/MLA%20Biblio graphy%20Handout.pdf arding%20Library%20Documents/MLA%20Biblio graphy%20Handout.pdf *Instructions/directions given in different channels (written, spoken, demonstration) 5.Practice making a citation as a whole class. 6.Students create individual citations for the books they check out at the end of the lesson.
Rubric Noteworthy Cited a book in MLA format. Was able to justify the format. Developing Cited a book in MLA format with teacher assistance. Was able to justify the format. Acceptable Cited a book in MLA format with peer assistance. Was able to justify the format. Not Ready Unable to cite a book in MLA format. OR Unable to justify the format.
Time for Browsing, Silent Reading, nd Book Checkout Clearly defined limits Seating to reduce distractions
Exit Ticket Write a correct MLA citation for the book you are checking out today. Explain whether you used easybib.com or a style sheet.
The following slides may be of use for this lesson.
Why cite? 1.It shows that you work hard and care about details. 2.It gives credit to the authors (and keeps the blame away from you!) 3.It shows how many sources you consulted. 4.It shows that you used believable information. 5.It allows your audience to go back and read the information for themselves.
Ways to Cite Electronically By hand, using a model (style sheet).
Click the tab that describes your source.
Type in the title or URL. Hit autocite.
Now click the create citation button.
If a citation does not automatically appear, fill out this form and click CREATE CITATION. It is OK to leave some spaces empty if you cannot find the information.
Citation Bibliography
If you would rather work from a model, consult the next two slides.
From A%20Bibliography%20Handout.pdf