Take notes
You are graded and receive corresponding points in 7 criteria. A: Planning & Development B: Collection of Information/Resources C: Choice & Application of Techniques D: Analysis of Information E: Organization of the Written Work F: Analysis of process of Outcomes G: Personal Engagement
B: Collection of Information/Resource D: Analysis of Information E: Organization of the Written Work F: Analysis of process of Outcomes These criteria are used to grade your PPPP!
You need a variety of sources in your works cited section of the PPPP. Try for about 5: Interviews, websites, books, magazines Make sure all of your sources are not the same type. You need 5 in-text citations
Expression of your personal thoughts with depth of understanding and reflection Explain/analyze/reflect your struggles, vision, ideas A truly personal response that shows understanding of your self, the process, and problems receives the highest score
Mechanics of the PPPP Must have required structure
Analysis of the processes of the PP and the outcomes of your project ( good or bad) Intelligently and reflectively analyze yourself and your final result.
Length: no more than 4000 words Your paper needs: A title Page Table of contents Introduction Description of the process Analysis of the Inspiration Conclusion Works Cited Appendices, where appropriate
If your wrote a novel or a long report than your process paper can be significantly shorter than others BECAUSE the description of the process will not be as long
Title MYP/Personal Project Supervisor: name Your name
Patel 2 Introduction Iouegiouiouvoiuwviou u hfuigharui ufrhuih urhynv iovhu dsvioud dio d pd Uihyfn soij iofjg io jsdfiog iofg opfioj gior o iurgb jofhdio Oisfuiosj ogjfio oi fuisdhy gfio fiogf ioudfn ioug-wp0 ior io iour[pnb m riom zxon iopru7ioprjkl
Table of Contents Introduction…………………page # Description of Process……. page # Analysis of the Inspiration…page # Conclusion…………………..page # Works Cited…………………page # Appendices Appendix A………….What it is Appendix B…………..What it is Appendix C…………..What it is
12 point font Times New Roman Double spaced Indent (tab) first word in new paragraph All PPPP print must be same font size and style. No exceptions
Introductory remarks related to your project Brief description of your project AOI’s you addressed and WHY & HOW Brief reflection of your successes and/or failures or overall result of project. Do not write: I learn a lot of things about myself and my project.
Describe in detail the steps you used. This will vary because your projects are all different. If your project has many steps then organize how you want to detail those steps. Don’t write : The second thing I did was to draw a picture of my sculpture. Describe the : Methods Materials Amount of time assistance inspiration frustrations anxieties Successes obstacles
What motivated you? What frustrated you? What did you learn about your own personal strengths? What did you learn about your weaknesses? What did you learn about yourself as a writer/musician/artist/etc? Do not write : I learned I am a procrastinator. Write about why you procrastinate. Was the project boring, too difficult, too easy etc How could it have been better? Reflect how the AOI’s chosen are applicable and WHY you chose them. Don’t write: One of my AOI’s is human ingenuity because I like to ( or don’t like to ) create stuff.
Concluding thoughts that reveal that you really, truly got something out of your topic physically, spiritually, intellectually, creatively etc. Finish with a reflection that best summarizes what you learned about yourself (good and/or bad). Do not write: I learned a lot about myself on a deep level.
Google MLA format and go to the OWL at Purdue website. They have the format for absolutely every type of source you can possibly have. Include any interviews, websites, books magazines, recordings, films, video games-- -EVERYTHING you used If for any reason you can’t find it check with Mrs. Flores for the correct formatting.
Works cited Akjfghierwhgioriotvroironv fildgi skj hjkgh Coghjersiogvm ioehjvim jgmiov iogviohgviovnvhvg Guhyruivneriugviogv jgio gh ifdsg jhg ig hfg fgi fg jfg jf Iht iorhiogmigjv osigjoi jgo jg oitjovi jghiorjgviorjviooioofg Alphabetized by author NO indents on first line INDENT the 2 nd line Double spaced
These are attachments you place at the end of your paper. They can be: Pictures of the process Samples of materials Rough drafts of project Preliminary sketches CD of interview
Label Appendix A: Color Samples Appendix B: Preliminary sketch Appendix C: Photo of first attempt
Presentation is important. Make sure project and paper are: Neat Organized Clean
Give your project, process paper and journal to your advisor in a organized and self contained manner. MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON EVERYTHING. EXAMPLES: Large folder with your name on outside, with everything inside. In a gift bag type with everything inside. Check with your supervisor if you have a large project that can not be easily put in a bag. DON’T WALK IN ON THE DAY IT’S DUE AND THROW ALL YOUR STUFF ON YOUR SUPERVISOR’S DESK
Do not bug your supervisor about the grade. Mrs. Flores will let you know when that is happening and your language arts teacher will give you your final grade when they have recorded everything.