ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES National History Day 2014 Rights and Responsibilities
OBJECTIVE SWBAT: write an annotated bibliography by following the 3 guidelines. Agenda Baseline Annotated Bibliography Defined Whole Class Annotation Group Annotation
ON DEMAND BASELINE ACTIVITY 1) Read the World Book article on the “New Deal” -see Mr. McVey’s HW Wiki 2) Create an annotated bibliography in GAfE or Word 3) Include a title page with the title of the article, name, period, and date (all centered) 4) Share with Mr. Grafton on GAfE or on USB Note: You may use NoodleTools, if you have an account.
WHAT IS AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY? It’s a bibliography… A bibliography is used to track all of the sources that you consulted for your research. Books, websites, people, journals, etc. It’s an annotation… An annotation is a summary of a source that includes a critical review or comment. How long is an annotated bibliography? Depends on the source, but generally at least 3 sentences.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Titled “Works Cited” One inch margins Double Spaced Alphabetical order by author’s last name Left hanging indent Utilize NoodleTools Copy and Paste Suggested Citation (MLA)
WHAT IS INCLUDED IN AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY? A description of the source being used for your research, a quick assessment of the source, and a reflection regarding the source. (Disignani & Brizee, 2013) Bibliographic citation At least 3 sentences B 3 3
WHAT IS AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY? Elements of an annotation 1) Description of Source What does the source provide? Facts? Images? Multimedia? Primary Sources? Audio? Video? What topics are reviewed or introduced in the source? For a book, you would look at the table of contents to get an idea of topics; in a article, print or online, you would look at subject headings for identifying topics.
WHAT IS AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY? Sentence Starters for “Description” This source provided an overview on_______________. In this article, _________, _________, and _______ were explained. “Author’s name” illustrated the impact/importance of_________________ on____________ in this ____________. Within “article/book title,” a number of ___________. An overview of______________, ____________, and ______was presented by “author.”
WHAT IS AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY? Elements of an annotation 2) Assessment How does this source compare to other available sources? What does the source lack? Does the source have any strengths? Scope or depth of information? Is the source current? Does the publisher have authority?
WHAT IS AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY? “Sentence Starters” for Assessment Unlike “other book title,” this source provided__________________________. A strength of “title of article” is the number of ________________referenced/introduced. While this source provided ________________, an author/publisher was not identified. This source revealed ___________________, an area that has not been thoroughly________________. The perspective/viewpoint presented by______________was counter to the perspective of_____________.
WHAT IS AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY? Elements of an annotation 3) Reflection How was this source beneficial to you? What did you gain from interacting with this source? How did or how will you use this source in your research paper? Did this source provide you with a different viewpoint on your topic? Does this source support your current findings?
WHAT IS AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY? “Sentence Starters” for Reflection This source illustrates the urgency of__________________. From reading/viewing “title of source,” ___________, ________, and _________became ___________. “Title of Source” introduced ______________and lead to the exploration of________________. Facts presented in this source strengthen/confirmed the idea that ______________________. Findings from “title of source” will be helpful in articulating the impact of___________________ on_______________. “Title of Source” clarified_________________________.
DRILL What are the essential components to an annotated bibliography? B 3 3 1) Bibliographic citation 2) Three elements (summary, assessment, and reflection) 3) Three sentences.
CHECK IN: WHAT ARE THE 3 ESSENTIALS? 1) Bibliographic citation 2) Three elements (summary, assessment, and reflection) 3) Three sentences. B 3 3
GAFE Click on “private” Click on “Shared with me” Click on “annotated bibliography period 4/5”
AS A CLASS, LET’S CREATE AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Go to 2. Click on online databases 3. Click on Gale Student Resource Center 4. Search for “Child Labor” 5. Open the first article
QUICK REVIEW - CITATION "Child Labor." Student Resource Center. Detroit: Gale, Student Resource Center - Junior. Gale. 16 Sep Important Notes: 1. Database URLs may be truncated 2. Spelling Counts 3. Capitalize important words (proper nouns)
READ – PAIR - SHARE Sentence Number One Provide a description of the article Write your sentence on the shared GAfE document In this article, an overview of child labor around the world was discussed, focusing on working conditions for children, the impact of child labor on the welfare of children and reaction from government agencies.
READ – PAIR - SHARE Sentence Number Two Provide an assessment of the article Write your sentence on the shared GAfE document While this source did utilize in-text citations, a reference list was not included.
READ – PAIR – SHARE Sentence Number Three Provide a reflection of the article Write your sentence on the shared GAfE document Because this article provides such a comprehensive perspective, several relevant child labor subtopics were revealed for further investigation.
ANNOTATION In this article, an overview of child labor around the world was discussed, focusing on working conditions for children, the impact of child labor on the welfare of children and reaction from government agencies. While this source did utilize in-text citations, a reference list was not included. Because this article provides such a comprehensive perspective, several relevant child labor subtopics were revealed for further investigation.
CLASSWORK/ HOMEWORK Directions: Find an article related to your topic on one of the online databases and create an annotated bibliography Use my sentence starters, as needed. Refer to the annotated bibliography rubric Create a title page – (name, title, teacher, date) Share with Mr. Grafton through GAfE