Effective and Innovative Effective and Innovative Leadership LeadershipforPrincipals/Vice-Principals 1
Principal’s Vision 2
Principal ship is not a Cap It is a state of mind 3
. First play in the field of Responsibility, then enter field of Authority. 4
Principal should act as a Guardian and not a Boss. 5
PRINCIPAL ….. AS A LEADER……. VISIONORY Ability to inspire Ability to create new leaders Self streamed (full of confidence) Take responsibility, but success credit should be given to team members Critical thinking Positive attitude Humble & polite Knowledgeable Innovative Ability to Encourage 7
PRINCIPAL ….. AS A Manager……. Provide & develop infrastructure facility. Provide basic amenities & sanitation. Empowerment of human resource. Ability to delegate power & work. Financial ability such as utilization of grants, budget, welfare schemes, plan & non plan expenditure, SSA & RMSA Funds. Maintenance and updates various School records. 8
PRINCIPAL ….. AS AN ACADEMICIAN ……. Analysis of school result class wise, student wise, subject wise, stream wise & teacher wise. Listing of weak students, talented students, Class wise subject wise, maintained by all concerned subject teachers. Ensure regular faculty meeting. Discuss whole syllabus sub. wise, chapter wise, marks wise, by the all subject teacher of all classes.(in beginning of the session) Highlight the difficult portion of syllabus of all subjects, by the subject teachers. All records like- school calendar, syllabus, time table should be maintained by the HOS. Guidance to teachers by subject expert(CBSE, NCERT, SCERT) 9
Encourage regular teacher discussion. Insure effective implementation of CCE. Monitoring of subject note books (Home work, class work). Arrange special classes (specially for class XI,XII) by CBSE, NCERT, SCERT & Local resources. Promote critical thinking among teachers & students. Sensitize guardian for strong support to their wards & school. Regular meeting should be arranged by the HOS REGARDING MORAL SUPPORT TO STUDENTS……….what to do …. Not to do… 10
PRINCIPAL ….. AS A coordinator……. With PTA, VKS, SMC, Guardian PWD, Civil/electrical, DJB. Local Police/ fire brigade Local Hospital (private/ govt.) Area Public representative(MLA,MP) Concerned DC office Department officials (EO,DDE & Head quarter.) Govt. counsel. Delhi text book bureau. 11
PRINCIPAL ….. AS A guardian……. Positive attitude and emotional competency. Encourage the students…….. Yes you can do. Supervision for Encouragement. Moral support. Proper health check up…. & follow up. Mid day meal. Career counseling. Inspire for better performance. 12
Principal as an administrator…. Maintain discipline in school. Conduct the enquiries at school level. Forward the cases of enquiries under rule 14,16 to District Office. Implementation of different kinds of sanctions admissible at school level. Take decisions on short attendance cases & other cases in right spirit & right way. Take decisions in the interest of School and School Students Regularity and Punctuality of the School staff. 13
Know your staff 14
15 Confident Principal Vision Knowledge Values Attitudes Skills & Authority
Never condemn others or appreciate yourself Try to know positive side of school staff, students and others Success credit must be given to Subordinates and Staff Never try to take advantage of weaknesses of staff members. Valuable Advices 16
Thank You & Good Luck!!!! 17