1 Information and knowledge provider
Information overload 2 Are we suffering from information overload Yes, Where do I begin to look? Why, When, and how to use different type of sources and how to select the best sources for our needs Finding, evaluating, and using information and information resources effectively
Learn about the source 3 Opinions about popular culture, about current events, articles written by people who are not specialist in the topic Articles written by scholars, scholarly research, an editorial reviews articles, library parches subscriptions Background information on a topic, key ideas, important dates or concepts, factual articles A lot of information on a topic, historical issues, summaries of research to support an argument
More information 4 Newspapers provide current events international, national and local events, editorials, commentaries, and opinions On Web- information about organizations, companies current information, public corporations Government - federal to local expert and popular opinions, finding quick facts
Starting with the Web 5 Is every thing on the internet? Not a review process Not free Not organized Not comprehensive Not permanent
You be the Judge! 6 Look at the Websites. Evaluate them keeping in mind accuracy and objectivity, author's credentials, and currency of the site.
Judging what you find 7 Judge for yourself Accuracy: Does the information presented seem accurate? Are the facts verifiable? Authority: Who is the author? What expertise does he or she have on this topic? Objectivity: What is the stated purpose? What opinion is presented Currency: On what date was the page created? Is it current information? Use: Would you quote information from this site in a college research paper?
Better place than the public Web 8 Stop and think! Find books on your topic, etc Search databases that index articles Find articles in scholarly journals
Starting with the Library 9 Librarians select: Library resources go through a review process. Library resources are free for our community Reliable Historically relevant valuable organized kept permanently and personal assistance
Access to library 10
Resources at Library 11
library Catalog 12
Search Result 13
Item details 14
Status of item 15
For renewal book/Item 16
Check one of them for renewal 17
Renewal Successful 18
For Reserve an Item Online 19
Reserve an Item 20
Find your reserve item on Circulation 21
Where are Online Ref Resources 22 Online Reference Tools
Types of Databases 24 The two types of databases are: library catalog and article indexes. Library catalogs organize Print and Electronic resources, such as databases, article indexes, electronic journals, electronic books, digital collections and audio visual
ProQuest Research Library: Health & Medicine
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How to narrow your search
PDF 33 Select size Send in your folder PDF Citation source Save PDF file print Copy & past Direction of PDF Abstract Full Tex Citation
Use controlled vocabulary Exclude stop words (noise words): an, and, by, for, from, of, the, to, with Most specific concept first Use dictionaries, thesaurus and list of Subject Headings to get idea for synonyms Controlled vocabulary: subject headings, descriptors, index terms Evaluate, refine search Use alternative terms: immunization instead of vaccines Examples: ( Ι ) Teachers, instructors, educators, tutors, docents, professors, lecturers ( ΙΙ ) Cancer, tumor, neoplasm 34
Information Retrieval Systems/Techniques 35 Truncation & Wildcards Example: Environ* will search- environment, environments, environmental. Example: wom?n will search - women or woman. Boolean - AND, OR and NOT determine logical relationships between terms
Retrieval techniques 36
Choose a topic 37 Assignment: “Side effects of Chemotherapy in Lung cancer” Start with a broad topic, for example, Cancer. The topic is too broad. If you have trouble coming up with a topic or its keywords: Check a subject encyclopedia Thesaurus Medical dictionary MeSH LCSH
Narrowing a topic 38 You could narrow the topic of Cancer even more by adding a sub-topic. Cancer lung cancer Chemotherapy (Chemotherapy in lung cancer) Side effects (Side effects of chemotherapy in lung cancer) It is helpful to write out your topic as a sentence or a question. Let's say the question that most interests you is: What are the Side effects of chemotherapy in lung cancer ?
Search terms 39 Most important first Next Hands on practice: 1. Side effects of Chemotherapy in lung cancer 2. Side effects of radiotherapy in lung cancer 3. Side effects of chemotherapy along with radiotherapy in lung cancer
Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism 40 Use your own ideas Use the ideas of others cautiously-only to support When taking notes, include complete citation information for each item Use quotation marks when directly stating another person's words.
Commonly Used Writing Style Guides 41 The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers The MLA (Modern Language Association) A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
E-brary (e-books database) 42
Search options 43
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Download options 45
Library Orientation
Library staff participated in Orientation Program Bader Al-Busaidi: Reference Librarian Mohammed Al-Darmaki: Serials Librarian Amina AL-Hattali: Library Coordinator Ruqaiya Al-Farsi: Library System Officer Zaina AL-Hakmani: Madia Librarian Nasira Al-Tobi: Cataloger contact information Bader Al-Busaidi Ext: 322 Zaina AL-Hakmani Ext: 422