Network Name Creating a vision and turning it into a reality Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust Lorna McGlynn.


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Presentation transcript:

Network Name Creating a vision and turning it into a reality Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust Lorna McGlynn

Network Name We needed to act fast!  Where we where in 2010

Network Name The Vision To improve life expectancy for all Service Users within our Community Mental Health teams by working collaboratively to improve how we monitor and address their physical health needs

Network Name So what did we do?  We made a commitment that every single Service User (n6801) would be offered a Rethink Physical Health Check every 12 months.  A Lead was appointed to drive the process  We identified Physical Health Leads in each locality

Network Name The Rethink Physical Health check -  The check aided staff in engaging Service Users in real conversations about their physical health.  The tool helped to clearly identify any physical health needs the Service User had, and then staff ensured these were acted on.  Service User support was identified and improvements in health outcomes delivered

Network Name How we made the vision real Training, support, awareness raising and involvement from all staff not just nurses – formal guidance was developed for social care staff Results integrated into the whole care plan so physical and mental health care needs addressed together Creating an Electronic system working with Rethink Monitoring of outcomes Support group for staff completing the checks

Network Name National Schizophrenia audit 2012 Position (out of 60) Monitoring of physical health (excluding prolactin) 1 st Monitoring of physical health (excluding family history and prolactin) 1 st Monitoring of prolactin levels in males 2 nd Monitoring of prolactin levels in females 4 th Monitoring of weight 3 rd Monitoring of glucose 1 st Monitoring of lipids 1 st Advice about diet and exercise offered 1st Service user has had a physical health check with their mental health team or GP 5 th

Network Name Monitoring  April 2011 we collected results of the Rethink physical health checks in order to ascertain the prevalence of previously unidentified health needs.  To be classified as “previously unidentified” the condition had to be something that the Service User was either unaware of or aware of but had not brought it to the attention of a health professional.  Even though the sample size increased from 430 patients in to 671 patients in We still saw a:  Fall of 30% of patients who had unidentified health needs.  4% decrease in hyperprolactinaemia.  1% increase in patients who described symptoms of an enlarged prostate.  3% decrease in hyperglycaemia.  6% decrease in sexual dysfunction.  5% decrease in hypertension.  15% decrease in hyperlipidaemia.

Network Name Results