design technology The SEVEN Rs
design technology 1. Reduce
design technology 2. Responsibly
design technology 3. Recycle
design technology 4. Reuse
design technology 5. Refuse
design technology 6. Repair
design technology 7. Rethink ‘For every one ton of products manufactured, twenty tonnes of waste has been produced. (The Sustainability handbook) We could turn off ten 600MW power stations if every household in Europe replaced three light bulbs with energy efficient ones. (The Sustainability handbook)
design technology 7. Rethink Will this product really improve my life? Will it make me happier? Do I really need it? Have the workers received a fair pay? Where have the raw materials come from? How much processing has been involved? Are the raw materials in short supply? Can the packaging be reused? Can the packaging be recycled? Will the product end up in a landfill site? Is the packaging biodegradable?
design technology 7. Rethink ‘There is enough for everyone’s need in this world but not enough for everyone’s greed.’ (Mahatma Gandi)