CIAE 2013 What Teachers Want Peter Liljedahl
CIAE 2013 History Noticing (Liljedahl, 2010; Mason, 2002) Distinct difference between the groups of teachers that came willingly and the teachers that were required to attend. BIRS (2010) Liljedahl, P. (in press). What teachers want. The Mathematics Enthusiast.
CIAE 2013 Motivation … there is a growing realization that what is actually offered within these programs is often based on facilitators (or administrators or policy makers) perceptions of what teachers need as opposed to actual knowledge of what teachers really want (Ball, 2002).
CIAE 2013 Methodology Noticing (Liljedahl, 2010; Mason, 2002) Five teacher groups –Master's Program –Induction Group –Hillside Middle School –District Learning Teams –Workshops Analytic Induction (Patton 2002) – goals Field Notes Interviews Surveys
CIAE 2013 Taxonomy of Five Goals (+1) 0. Resistance 1. Do Not Disturb 2. Willing to Reorganize 3. Willing to Rethink 4. Out With the Old 5. Inquiry
CIAE Resistant know that they don’t want to be there - a priori opposed - invalidate – “That will never work” challenge – “I don’t have time for that” defensive – “I already do that”
CIAE Do Not Disturb know what it they don't know or don't do well - remove and replace - "I was hoping to learn a new way to introduce integers". "I want something to do for the first 10 minutes of class." "A different way to do review. " anxiety about held knowledge and resources
CIAE Willing to Reorganize know what it they don't know or don't do well - they want to make changes - "So, yeah. I'm looking for an improved way to have my students learn how to do problem solving. Right now I do it as a unit in February, but it's not working. I've heard that other teachers do it throughout the whole year and I'm hoping to get some ideas around that." no anxiety about held knowledge and resources
CIAE Willing to Rethink rough idea of what it is they want - willing to rethink their teaching - "Anything to do with numeracy is good for me." "I'm looking for new ideas about assessment for differentiated learners." "I'm hoping to introduce the use of rubrics into my teaching and want to get the rubrics I should use as well as instruction how to do it.“ no anxiety about held knowledge and resources – broader changes
CIAE Out With the Old have already rejected the current paradigm - looking for something to fill the void - "My kids can't think for themselves in problem solving. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it doesn't matter. I just need to start over with a new plan." "I can't stand the way group work [is not] working in my classroom. I have given up with what I've been doing and am looking to learn something completely different." no anxiety – often hypercritical
CIAE Inquiry open to any new ideas - often methodical in their change - "I'm not really looking for anything in particular. But, I'm eager to hear about some new ideas on assessment.“ no anxiety – very reflective
CIAE 2013 Conclusion Do Not Disturb Willing to Reorganize Willing to Rethink Inquiry Resistance Out with the Old
CIAE 2013 Conclusion Do Not Disturb Willing to Reorganize Willing to Rethink Inquiry Resistance Out with the Old
CIAE 2013 Conclusion Do Not Disturb Willing to Reorganize Willing to Rethink Inquiry Resistance Out with the Old I AM A RESOURCE!