Outcome document discussion The top-line thematic message must: Address what are the inequality issues of the theme. Qualify the specific inequality challenges of the theme (as opposed to why the theme is important in itself) and how the post 2015 Framework should tackle these challenges. Recommendations: As a whole the set of recommendations from every theme must address the following points: - How will the recommendations relate to a standalone goal on equality? - How will the recommendations relate to mainstreaming the inequality issues of theme across the new Framework? - How are the recommendations universally applicable (binding for all countries, both developed and developing)?
1.Climate change, poverty eradication and sustainable development cannot be tackled as separate entities. Climate change is rapidly becoming the greatest threat to poverty eradication, having an impact on many aspects of development and making existing inequalities worse. It is essential that the Sustainable Development Goals respond to this urgently. 2.The IPCC shows that climate change will affect the success of almost all the development goals proposed in July this year by the UN Open Working Group (OWG) on SDGs. In turn, the SDGs will either reduce or increase the risk to the world’s poorest people- who, according to the IPCC, are the most vulnerable to climate change. 3.Rising sea levels and more frequent and intense extreme-weather events, for instance, are worsening poverty and inequality in many regions, destroying or damaging homes and property are worsening due to impacts on framing and rising food prices.
Robust action to achieve emissions cuts and resilience to the impacts of climate change must be integrated throughout the SDGs and reinforce in a strong standalone goal on climate. To address climate change and related inequalities effectively the SDGs must signal the end of the fossil fuel era and an accelerated transition to 100% renewable energy future for all by The cornerstone of the SDGs commitments must be ambitious mitigation and adaptation commitments and actions from all countries, the nature and stringency of which will vary depending on their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDRRC). Action under the SDGs should be in line with a 1.5ºC temperature goal (a. carbon budget). Governance: Citizens participation- management Capacity building – best practice experience Invitation to improve civil society participation, resilience and quality of governance. Discrimination: name what groups we mean- challenges to women, indigenous people, children Think more creatively – marginalized disadvantaged. Energy efficiency- rethink and adjust patterns of consumption and production. Financing- mitigation and financing has to be accountable for global governance
Thank you: Lina Dabbagh Climate Action Network