Understanding By Design Stage 3 BestPrep TIW Thursday, August 2, 2012 Can I finish my UbD unit plan already?
Stage 3 Develop the COOL learning activities. Learning Activities & Performance Tasks
Unit/Lesson Plan Template Technology Integrated NETS- Stdts During introduction/learning activities Materials, Tools and Resources Unit Plan Author (name, school and optional address) Additional credit given to
Learning Activities Design Checklist The learning plan makes clear to students what they will be learning, what is expected of them and how their work will be evaluated. Diagnostic assessments are used in the beginning to check for potential misunderstandings and predictable performance errors. The learning plan is clearly designed to engage students, with special emphasis on the opening lessons and activities. The learning plan is designed to equip learners with the prerequisite experiences necessary to understand the Big Ideas, and the needed information and skills upon which the understandings and performances depend.
Learning Activities Design Checklist Opportunities are provided for students to rethink their prior and emerging understandings, and to revise their work based on feedback and guidance. Ongoing assessments of individual and group progress provide students with feedback and guidance. The learning has been personalized to accommodate the variety of learners’ interests, styles, and abilities by differentiating content, process, and products. The sequence of learning activities has been organized to maximize student engagement and productivity.
21st Century Skills Digital-Age Literacy Basic Economic Technological Literacy Visual Information Literacy Multicultural Literacy Global Awareness Inventive Thinking Adaptability, Managing Complexity Self-Direction Curiosity Creativity Risk Taking Higher-Order Thinking Sound Reasoning Effective Communication Teaming and Collaboration Interpersonal Skills Personal Responsibility Social and Civic Responsibility Interactive Communication High Productivity Prioritizing, Planning, and Managing for Results Effective Use of Real World Tools Ability to Produce Relevant, High Quality Products
Identify ISTE NETS Standards for Students Focus on what students know and be able to do to learn effectively and live productively in an increasingly digital world. Utilize technology tools where appropriate. Use the curriculum context to teach the needed technology skills, then return to curriculum instruction using the technology as a tool to enhance the learning. ISTE/NETS for Students – –Example: 1:a, 1:b
Learning Activities Write your learning activities. Use the “WHERETO” strategy for testing the design of your learning activities. Check the sequence of teaching and learning experiences to be sure they equip the students to develop and demonstrate the desired understandings. Verify alignment with curriculum and technology standards These learning activities will be included in your final unit/lesson plan.