CAST i CAST iCAST / TRUST Collaboration Presenter : David Chu 2007 June 5 A Declarative Sensor Network Architecture
context Leach's Storm Petrel Sensor Networks 10’s – 100’s – 1000’s – 10,000’s
motivation programming sensor networks is difficult! building entire sensor systems is even harder!!
inspiration data management network design s e n s o r n e t w o r k s
inspiration : data management declarative is widely used in data management –relational databases –spreadsheets –abstract “what” from “how” (Sensor-Network-As-Database)
inspiration : network design declarative is new idea in networking –compact –flexible –analyzable, optimizable –Internet Routing, Overlays built declaratively (the P2 project)
inspiration data management network design s e n s o r n e t w o r k s ( DSN )
what we did adapted declarative language built compiler & runtime for sensornets wrote declarative examples
working programs geographic routing tracking localization link estimator multi-hop collection tree routing
P. Levis, N. Patel, D. Culler, S. Shenker. "Trickle: A Self- Regulating Algorithm for Code Propagation and Maintenance in Wireless Sensor Networks." NSDI … from original Trickle paper… DSN specification 10x6 topology 30x2 topology
lines of code
[Above] The locations of the and debris flow deployment sites. [Top Right] Smoke from the Day Fire. [Middle Right] Recently burned hillside in Burbank, CA was the site of two debris flows in Winter season. [Bottom Right] Base of the channel after debris flow with remaining sediment. [Bottom Left] Burn- resilient vegetation is quickly recovering just a few months after the fires and debris flows. Harvard Burn Site Day Fire application deployment (underway)
how much declarative? experiences thus far and current work
a declarative architecture why rethink the architecture? –disparate application requirements –breaking of traditional abstraction boundaries what are the implications? –architectural flexibility is essential –put resource management in user’s hands
architectural flexibility dsn can… –describe entire system stack application + network + mac layers –naturally expose abstractions –freely mix and match with outside libraries
resource management memory processor energy
implications of declarative concise, intuitive programming 1 specification, N possible execution plans ?
distributed protocol state Client State Server State Shared State
a typical protocol Client control block Server control block ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Shared variables
state proxy... All nodes involved in a distributed protocol (client, server and nodes along path) storage cost client server comm cost similar to database partitioning and normalization problems!
routing layer state proxying Sensornet Internet nexthop forwarding table D C A B source route to D distance vector routing A: D via B B: D via C C: D via D
conclusion sensor networks → data + communication programs work just as well with lines of code + architectural flexibility + resource management toward automated system optimizations
thanks collaborators Joe Hellerstein, Scott Shenker, Ion Stoica Arsalan Tavakoli, Lucian Popa Tsung-Te Lai Phil Levis, Jung Woo Lee, Aby John Daniel Malmon
trade-offs the declarative approach –doesn’t outperform hand-tuned –no real-time guarantees implementation limitations –only P (not NP) programs –handling opaque data objects