Promoting Your Business Through Twitter ©2009, All rights reserved Fox Coaching Associates.
Twitter Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co– workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing in 140 characters or less? WHY???????
18 Million Twitter Users* by End of 2009 Twitter: The Phenomenon Living in “instant” society – microblogging in 140 characters or less Oriented to newsworthiness, broadening visibility, instant brand-building Inbound marketing vs. outbound marketing – pull vs. push Expands our networks *According to the latest research from eMarketer, that number will be at around 18 million by the end of 2009.
Twitter for Business Develop and promote your brand Interact with your customer base Track what people are saying about you, your company, your brand Create buzz Employees can reach out to your company’s constituents/customers/clients Promote events, content, blogs, podcasts, webinars Develop direct relationships with journalists, bloggers, media
Twitter Glossary Twitter Handle – your user name on Twitter. Tweet/Update – your posts. Follow/Follow Back – to subscribe to someone’s posts on Twitter, have them subscribe to yours. Follower – a subscriber to someone’s – how to send someone a direct message. DM/direct message – a private message you send to someone on twitter. RT/retweet – when you reiterate someone’s post because you think it valuable. # Hashtag – the symbol preceding a word, or phrase, indicating a topic of relevance. Tweetup – an event organized around Twitter-users to meet up and network, usually informal. Lists – new feature pulling like-minded twitter-users into following a particular topic or conversation.
Twitter: Where To Begin 1.What’s your objective? Optimizing followers Optimizing the right followers Learn about your customers 2.Create your profile 3.Start following people 4. Start tweeting (sending short messages) to many people publicly, a specific person publicly, a specific person privately
Setting Up Your Profile
Choosing A Username: Use your real name or real business name Use a word that represents you or your company
What To Include In Your Twitter Profile Your name Your company website Your blog Personal website Linked In Profile Your Bio: your company your position /something interesting about you your hobbies/interests your areas of expertise/specialization recent projects, books, events
Design Your Background – Build Your Brand Image
Complete Your Profile on Twitter Promotes Your Website
Privacy on Twitter Not recommended – will slow your network down
Following & Getting Followers
Pulling contacts from your address book
Following & Getting Followers
Target The Right People To Follow & Followers To build the right followers: Follow people in your targeted fields Follow people who have large followings Follow people who are active tweeters
What Should You Tweet About?: Tweets That Attract Followers Tweet about what you are working on Tweet about what you are reading – news articles with links, books, blogs with links What videos or shows you are watching Tweet about events you are attending, hosting Promote your content Promote your clients’ content Retweet what someone in your network or beyond has said Tweet about popular topics in Twitter Column Tweet about news in your industry Tweet about client’s activities (with their permission) Tweet about your travels, photos, other networks
Build Your Following Tweet Using links Keep it business-focused Throw a little human interest in
Tips For Attracting Lots of Followers Use Mr. Tweet – suggested people to follow – Use links in your tweets Tweet about hot topics (see list) Tweet about books RT others – they will RT you Tweet several times per day – outsource if necessary Offer to follow people you meet – helps build their visibility Follow people your followers are following Tweet favorites on Follow Friday - #FF then user names Follow hashtags (#) at events – the organizer will establish a hashtag so anyone tweeting at the event can include the hashtag in their tweet
Following Don’ts Don’t follow too many people at once – no more than Don’t remove all who don’t follow back (to improve following to follower ratio)
To Unfollow Or Not To Unfollow People will follow and then unfollow you as their interest changes You will want to unfollow people who are of questionable integrity Learn who your new followers are by having alerts sent to you – adjust your settings
Types of Tweets Public tweets Public reply Private tweets – Direct messages “DM” You can only DM people if you are reciprocally following each other
Tweet For Meetups
Tweeting About Well Known People – Attracts Attention
Twitter Related Sites: – organizes twitter, Facebook, Linked In posts
Twitter Related Sites Suggests people to follow
Twitter Related Sites
Search: Health care nonprofit Tracks who is tweeting about you or your company
Build your twitter following by publishing your twitter site everywhere: Your bio Your website Your signature Your Linked In & Facebook profiles
Broadcast Your Business Via Your Twitter Identity
Include your twitter address on your signature
Broadcast Your Business Via Your Twitter Identity
Into Action 1.Think about your objectives 2.Take baby steps to avoid being overwhelmed 3.Spend 1, no more than 2, hours per week on social networking (it is part of your diversified portfolio of networking) 4.Tweet two – three times a day – it only takes a few minutes 5.Be patient, and enjoy the enhanced recognition, new contacts, and business opportunities that emerge. Fox Coaching Associates
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