RANA PLAZA BUILDING COLLAPSE, Dhaka, Bangladesh April 24, ,127 Killed, Thousands injured
Death Toll in Garment Factory Disasters Since 2010 YearFactoryBrandDeaths 2010Gharib & Gharib H&M Hameem/TISGap, Target, VF, PVH, others Ali EnterprisesKiK Tazreen FashionsWalmart, Sears, ECI, others Smart ExportInditex/Zara8 2013Rana PlazaBenetton, WM, JC Penney, others1, Tung HaiPrimark8 Total Deaths: 1,601 Courtesy of Worker Rights Consortium
What can I do?... 1) CONTACT THE BRANDS Post to their Facebook page Tweet your concerns Call or write to the company Ask to speak with a manager at your favorite store Let them know that they helped create the problem and should take responsibility for fixing it—and that workers producing our garments should have a say in their factories. 2) CALL OR CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVE Ask them to pressure the government of Bangladesh to protect its workers and enforce its labor laws
What can I do? (cont.) 3) BUY FROM COMPANIES THAT HAVE SIGNED THE FIRE AND SAFETY AGREEMENT Let them know that you did, why you did it and that they should hold up their end of the agreement. For a full list of signatory companies, please see: