Health LEADS Australia: leading within and across generations Workshop HWA Conference Adelaide December 2013
Who are we talking about
DomainHealth workforce reform 1 Health workforce reform for more effective, efficient and accessible service delivery 2Health workforce capacity and skills development 3 Leadership for the sustainability of the health system 4Health workforce planning 5Health workforce policy, funding and regulation National Health Workforce Innovation and Reform Strategic Framework for Action
Health LEADS Australia FOCUS AREA – L –E –A –D –S GOAL Summary….. …………………………………… CapabilitiesDescriptors Xxxx
Leads self Is self aware Seeks out and takes opportunities for development Has strength of character
Engages others Values diversity Communicates with honesty and respect Strengthens consumers, colleagues and others
Achieves outcomes Influences and communicates the direction Is focussed and goal oriented Evaluates progress and is accountable for results
Drives innovation Champions the need for innovation and improvement Builds support for change Positively contributes to spreading innovative practice
Shapes systems Understands and applies systems thinking Engages and partners with consumers and communities Builds alliances
Messages from national consultation 1. Distributed leadership is important 2.Leadership for the whole health system is ambitious but lets try it 3.The cultures in health need changing 4.Leadership is (still) not management 5.HWA does not own this work but should act as custodian 6.Implementation needs to be collaborative
Licences to use HospitalsOD / 360 / In-house LDP Universities – HSM /ClinicalCurricula / Reference guide Clinical Education ProgramsGP’s / Nurses / Allied Health State / Territory / Regional Health Underpinning framework + programs + tools Professional associations – HSM / Clinical Leadership, Advocacy, Strategic planning, Standards Consumer groupsLeadership and advocacy Individual cliniciansSelf assessment / Leadership and change / Team resource Private, not-for-profitUnderpinning framework + programs + tools
Leadership.. is the engine for positive change, innovation and reform “Leadership creates organizations in the first place or adapts them to significantly changing circumstances. Leadership defines what the future should look like, aligns people with that vision, and inspires them to make it happen despite the obstacles”. John Kotter
Dance partners … Corporate ladder or tapestry? Pay or purpose? Earned or entitled? Nature and areas of influence Difference Generations - Different perspectives ?
Boomers to Millenials Engaging and participative Team and relationship based Humane orientation Managing power imbalances
Engaging with others to influence reform Women's health HIV/AIDS Consumer Health Forum NHS Change Day - started with a tweet
Energy – then, now and future One of the most important leadership tasks in the era of quality and cost improvement is to manage our own energies and those of the people around us HBR
Energy TypeDescription IntellectualAnalysis, logic, thinking, rationality. Drives curiosity, planning and focus EmotionalHuman connection and relationships. Essential for teamwork, partnership, alignment and collaboration SpiritualVitality, passion, the future and sense of possibility. Brings hope and optimism. Helps people feel more ready and confident to build the future PhysicalAction, making things happen, getting them done. Key part of vitality, maintaining concentration and commitment
Leadership and Management LEADERS - define a better future and engage, inspire and work with other people to influence that future and to commit to delivering it MANAGERS - plan, control and co- ordinate the resources, processes and activities that will make that better future a reality.
Leadership Leadership is about lifting the heart, unlocking the passion for the purpose and making it relevant to the next generation. Leaders who inspire their team to take on the cause, who tap into passion and emotion, are the ones who unlock the energy and creativity and innovation. George Savvides, Managing Director Medibank Private and Chair World Vision Australia
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