Social Media Policy ADM – E 21
CHS Social Media Policy Social media = media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media uses Internet and web-based technologies to transform broadcast media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many). Social media supports the democratization of knowledge and information, transforming people from content consumers into content producers. TYPES –Communication Blogs (Blogger, Open Diary, WordPress) Micro-blogging (Twitter, Yammer) Social networking (Facebook, LinkendIn, MySpace, Ning) –Collaboration Wikis (Wikipedia) Social Bookmarking (Delicious and Google Reader) Social News (Digg) –Multimedia Photography and Art Sharing (Flickr and Picasa) Video sharing (YouTube) Live-casting (Skype) Music and Audio Sharing (ShareTheMusic)
CHS Social Media Policy ADM E-21 Web Component Social Media Component –Official CHS/CH Social Media sites: Authorized only by CHS Corporate Communications Maintained only by Corporate Communications staff or designees –Only one official social media site/page per application: Only CHS Corporate Communications may establish an application site No CHS department, division or individual is authorized to create and maintain a social media site No CHS department, division or individual is authorized to represent CHS or CH with social media –Those wishing for specific communications to be posted should contact CC Exceptions for designated foundation and H.R. representatives Any exceptions must receive written approval by the Chief Communications Officer or Vice President of Corporate Communications and Physician Relations.
CHS Social Media Policy As with traditional media and other communications: –No CHS employee is authorized to speak (represent, post, tweet, etc.) on behalf of CHS Personal Use: –Must observe all policies regarding privacy and confidentiality –No personally identifying health information or other forms of patient identification –No images of patients and/or patient families –Employees must follow appropriate professional boundaries –Use of personal cameras/video/photo taking devices is prohibited –Electronic devices should not be used on company time (especially in patient care) Play Nice: –Nothing disparaging of CHS –Unlawful –Obscene –Defamatory –Otherwise critical (CHS, employees patients, parents, families, visitors) All CHS administrative and CC policies apply: –CHS/CH logo usage –Code of Conduct –HIPAA patient privacy and confidentiality –Photography –Media relations –Employee relations –Other public relations and marketing activities
CHS Social Media Policy FAQs –What is the CHS policy on employees using Facebook and Twitter? Personal use only No patient information or images –Can I access Facebook and Twitter from my work computer? Twitter = yes Facebook and MySpace = no through the CHS network –Can I “friend” one of my patients via my personal Facebook page? Strongly discouraged Applies to parent/guardian Strictly professional (boundaries) –Can I post information about hospital events on my personal Facebook page? CHS has an official Facebook Fan Page Re-post or re-tweet events sent out from CHS Only after communicated through CC
CHS Social Media Policy –Can I Post or Tweet about my workday, coworkers, CHS events? CHS Strongly cautions against Social networking sites are extremely viral Best not to share too much work-life information –Can I post hospital-related photographs on my personal Facebook page? Patient/Patient Family photos = No Too much room for abuse - even with permission Patient info should only be posted by the patient/patients’ family –Can I use the Children’s Health System/Hospital name or logo in my online profiles? No - Children’s name and logo are registered and protected Only official CHS sites may display name/log Encouraged to list CHS as employer in profile –Can I set up a Facebook page or a Twitter account for my department/unit/division? No Only one official social media site Maintained by corporate communications Specific events/messaging communicated through the official sites Need something posted - contact corporate communications