Your Name: Camryn Perry Class Period:5 th Subject of Biography: Adolf Hitler Title of Book: Adolf Hitler A Study in Hate Author:Jeremy Roberts
facebook Adolf up_Hitler One who wins w/o problem, its just a VICTORY. But one who wins with a lot of troubles, That is HISTORY #Hateismymiddlename and follow me on Born and raised in Austria (near German border) WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout Adolf up_hitler #DoneWithLife just kill me now. Boooommmm!!!!! #Onomatopoeia (Just shot him self) #Suicide Adolf up_hitler Come take a tour of 1 of my death camps as the Holocaust continues #WeCantStop ~Miley Cyrus Hermann Her_mann Oohh Kill em’. I've decided to exterminate all of Germany’s Jews. #I'm standing with you brotha !! Adolf up_hitler Oohh Kill em’. I've decided to exterminate all of Germany’s Jews. Adolf up_hitler I dropped the Thun Thun Thun on France,Belgium,Holland,& Luxembourg as I invaded there country. 2 1 RETWEETS FAVORITE 5203 TWEETS 452 FOLLOWING 976K FOLLOWERS Tweets Following Followers Favorites Lists Recent Fake Twitter About Help Terms Privacy Blog Status Apps Resources Jobs Advertisers Businesses Media Developers
facebook Adolf Hitler Eet View My Profile Page K TWEETS FOLLOWING FOLLOWERS WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout Adolf up_hitler Vote Hitler 4 President guys!!!! Expand Adolf up_hitler S/O to all my followers who stood w/me in my march 2 take over Munich government. Expand Hermann Her_mann 1 st tweet as a German Soilder.Not 2 brag, but just won 2 metals 4 bravery. No biggy… Adolf up_hitler 1 st tweet as a German Soilder.Not 2 brag, but just won 2 metals 4 bravery. No biggy… Adolf up_hitler #Sad #Death. My father,Alois dies. Pray for me 2 1 RETWEETS FAVORITE Adolf up_hitler Thanks Nurembourg! Now I can follow through my plan to discriminate Jews. Adolf up_hitler “Jews are old news”Im about 2 enter Austria and take over ad beat,robb,probably even kill Jews. Join me Tweets Compose new Tweet. Hermann Her_mann Promoted Follow Joseph Follow Gregor up_Greg Follow Who to Follow Refresh View All Browse Categories Find Friends Trends Change #Kik Promoted SnapChat me #Tumblr #Instagram iPhone Nazi Nation Europe