Welcome Increasing Enrollments with Social Media Alison Adair
This session Case study – how it worked for us Why social media works What we are doing now Strategies to implement Questions
What is Social Media
Social - conversation, engagement Media - instrument used to communicate.
How a social media and emarketing campaign increased enrollment in a 10-year old by 163% in 3 months for less than $500!
Project Management
Project Management is one of Continuing Studies at Western’s long-standing programs
Project Management Offered for 10 years Average enrollment 20 Last time we filled a course … September 2003
Fall 2010 Capacity maximum # students RegistrationsCourses offered in Fall Term Marketing 70402$4500
Project Management There is a demand for Project Managers Increased requests for customized programs But enrollment has stalled
How can we increase the number of registrations in this program?
Additional Challenge
Fall 2011 Capacity maximum # students RegistrationsCourses offered in Fall Term Marketing 70402$ ? + 35?+1No increase
Previous Marketing Strategy 95% Print Occasional ads in local business magazines Industry publication University newspaper 3-page spread in our Course Calendar
How students found our program Brochure13% Friend or Colleague13% Taken a course previously11% Web search47% Website13% Word of mouth2% Ad in publication/newspaper0 Radio0
60% of our student found our programs via the internet
eMarketing Strategy Global reach Lower cost Trackable, measurable results Personalisation Openness Social currency Improved conversion rates Advantages
eMarketing Strategy Time consuming Labour intensive Disadvantages
Our eMarketing Strategy Google Ads eNewsletter Website Twitter
Google Ads Customization Fully control your ad budget Easily create and edit your ads See your ads on Google within minutes of creating them
Google Ads Keywords
eNewsletter Meet Jeff Project Management student Food and Beverage Manager Husband Father of two Adult Learner
Web Jeff on our homepage
Listen Connect Share
Twitter Linking to a story: It’s been called the recession proof profession. You might think of it as a skill for the construction or IT industry... 9-Jun... or you have heard the term on Celebrity Apprentice. 9-Jun
Twitter To celebrate accomplishments: Congratulations to Professional Certificate in Project Management graduate Brandon Ager on his promotion! 29-Jun
Twitter To show the programs popularity After one day of registrations, what are adult learners taking this year? Project Management, Leadership and Management top the list! 2-Jun After a month of registrations, what are adult learners taking this year? Project Management, Leadership and In Jun There are 5 spots left in intro to pm course! 29-Aug Intro to Project Management - in class is now full! We have a few spaces left in the online offering, register soon. 1-Sep
Twitter Real World Applications: Are you responsible for bringing projects in on-time, on-target and on-budget? Seem impossible? Learn how! 9-Jun Your boss pats you on the back and says, “Congratulations! You’re managing this project.” Now what? 4-Aug
Twitter Word of mouth … or should we say the power of retweet! Almost done! I just registered for the 6/7 course for my Project Management certificate. Business The plan is to go get my Project Management Cert. and a few others... with a more "biz focus". 29-Aug There 5 spots left in intro to pm course The plan is to go get my Project Management Cert. and a few others" 29-Aug woot! Yay! Books for have arrived for the Project Management & business courses :) Woot. Let the learning begin!” 30-Aug
Google Ads June and July 833 clicks 1,847,011 impressions Daily budget decreased Aug 1 st
eNewsletter The newsletter went online July 13, 2011 Views of the eNewsletter Jul: 95 Aug: 827
Web Registering online for a Project Management course % % Manually registered 30 students in 2010, but only 26 in 2011!
Twitter Followers June 1 st 60 July 1 st 177 August 1 st 231
In three months our emarketing campaigned has increased our registrations by 163% and saved us more than $4,000 in advertising costs.
We filled two courses and almost filled the third
Capacity maximum # students RegistrationsCourses offered in Fall Term Marketing Fall $ Fall $4500 Difference $
Why social media works Connection Real-time
Social media for business Gives your brand a voice Personality Improve customer service Loyalty
What are we doing now? Twitter Tweet an average of 10 times per day. Followers increased by 570% this year. Facebook Post once or twice a week. Likes increased by 400% this year.
What are we doing now? Linkedin Instructors Students Pinterest
Strategies If you only do two things …
Campaigns and contests Increase exposure and followers Day to day Builds loyalty and relationships Don’t stop
Photos Marketers are reporting double the engagement when they share photos on their Facebook Pages and Twitter, instead of text or links.
Photos You don’t need to hire a professional
Personal – puts a face to your brand
Where we are
To say thanks
To entice
To inform
To celebrate
In our community
The rebrand
? Questions