Goal Raise awareness of the importance of CDBG funds to the stability of Boston's neighborhoods. Strategy Mix of communications tools Conventional Social Printed collateral Social media to connect stakeholders: government to community Leverage extant resources and relationships Boston Main Streets Women on Main Intergovernmental Relations team to secure principals CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW
Tactics High-profile launch event with media coverage Twitter campaign with hashtags Facebook support of campaign Distribution of printed collateral in Main Streets districts to support campaign Continuation of campaign through Community Development Week CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW
Mayor Menino kicked off the effort with a Tweet announcing the kickoff event and a hashtag: #WeAreCDBG. #WeAreCDBG KICKOFF
Build momentum with support from: Regional HUDSec Barbara Fields PRINCIPAL SUPPORT ON TWITTER
MEDIA COVERAGE Based on press release, Boston Herald wrote day-of feature story on the event and campaign
Business owners re-tweeted hashtag + photos through the event into the following days. We asked our Main Streets districts to support the campaign SOCIAL MEDIA MOMENTUM
Created "shareables" for DND Facebook page Asked other Main Streets businesses to support our efforts by tagging their tweets #WeAreCDBG. #WeAreCDBG FACEBOOK SUPPORT FOR TWITTER CAMPAIGN
Built engagement and momentum by posting event photos + tagging attendees CONTINUED ENGAGEMENT
Created postcards to distribute at the event Asked Main Streets businesses to distribute Cards asked customers to tweet support for CDBG + its importance PRINTED COLLATERAL
Estimate that #WeAreCDGB campaign garnered 168,994 impressions, with more than 150 uses of the hashtag.#WeAreCDGB This is a replicable strategy, which we will roll out again next year to improve our results. To follow us: FacebookCity of Boston Department of Neighborhood Development OUTCOMES