Impact of Technology Campaigns & Political Communication in the Age of Digital Networks
Pivotal Role of Technology Printing press Trains & telegrams Photography & moving pictures Radio Television Cable TV Internet
Importance of Internet As a source of political news Local Cable Network Internet 1/200048% 34%45% 9% 10/1238% 41%31% 36%
How is New Media Distinctive? Campaigns have more ways to reach voters Campaigns, voters & the news media connected with each other Citizens have the capacity to shift campaign narrative, so campaign organizations & media no longer in control.
Unfavorable Digital Coverage Clint Eastwood at GOP Convention 47% remarks by Mitt Romney Controversial comments about rape by candidates Todd Akin & Richard Mourdock.
Digital Cost-effectiveness for Campaigns Nanotargeting Data integration Economies of scale
Differences from Other Tools DIGITAL TOOLS ARE: ◦ Ubiquitous (everywhere) ◦ Unfiltered ◦ Powerful ◦ Social
Examples from 2008 & 2012 McCain Girls uX3s uX3s Obama Girl YICqU YICqU Pro-Romney ad made by students bXj8 bXj8
Voter-generated Chaos “ Voters take campaigns into their own hands” Examples: George Allen remarks in Park Ridge47’s Think Different
One Dimensional Strategy 1D One way communication from campaign to voters/supporters Tight control over message In addition to traditional technology, may use , Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, campaign web sites.
Two Dimensional Strategy 2D Two-way relationship between campaign and voters/supporters Building a platform to mobilize voters in both real & virtual worlds Getting voters to act: make a donation, register to vote, sign a petition, etc..
Obama 2008 & 2D Strategy Thomas Gensemer The Difference Network, Marquette University 1I 1I
Three Dimensional Strategy 3D People connecting with one another without mediation of campaign, media or party. Online supporters not just followers or receptacles but “strategic partners” who can help win (p. 187). Level of uncertainty & unpredictability
Obama 2012 & 3D Strategy Gregor Poynton from Blue State Digital Js Js
Social Networking Online communities where supporters can communicate with one another either offline or online.
Social Networking Use of social media increasing: In 2008, 37% of online adults In 2012, 69% of online adults Rosenblatt reports: 240 m. Americans on Facebook; 100 m. Twitter, 30 m. Pinterest.
Social Networking Age differences 92% of year olds active; only 38% of those over 65 active. Ideological differences 79% of people identifying as Liberals, 70% of Moderates, 63% of Conservatives.
Social Media Sharing material online: from campaign organizations, news media, blogs, photos, user generated media.
Social Media Rosenblatt: 39% of Americans use social media to “engage in civic and political life, learning about issues & candidates; engaging in political and policy conversations, and influencing their personal networks on how to vote.” (p. 175)
Twitter Three methods for creating hyperlinks : 1. Distributing live web links. 2. Using to send out a public message to anyone on Twitter. 3. Using hashtag, “#topicX” to comment on a current issue or event, becoming part of public conversation.
Twitter Useful to predict campaign outcomes? “Any tweet is a good tweet for getting elected…” MSNBC co/ # co/ # Is that true?
Twitter Useful to predict campaign outcomes? * Critics point out that both incumbency & district partisanship are better predictors in congressional races. * Further, social bots acting like “real people” can use “tweets” to try to influence politics.
Future of Technology Google’s View On The Internet’s Future qo qo Prometeus – The Media Revolution
Future of Technology What might future campaigns look like, in your view?