Tweeting to Grow Your Business Exponentially
What Is It?
Twitter…What Is It? Think of Twitter as a new form of online communication. Twitter is a “one to many” communication tool AND listening tool.
Who’s Using It and Why Should I Use It?
Twitter is for real…
Twitter…Who’s Using It? Men vs. Women 48% 52% Education 76% Some College
Twitter…Who’s Using It? Age Group Percentage 4% 13% 30% 27% 17% 9%
Twitter…Who’s Using It? Income Level 26K-50K 51K-75K 76K-100K >100K Percentage 30% 23% 15% 11% 79% of Users Earn More Than 25K
Twitter…Is Easy! It’s fast and easy, limited to 140 characters per Tweet. (Think of it as bullet points.) You can Tweet from your Desktop, Laptop, iPad, or Smart Phone You can get an app and do all of your tweets at one time and schedule when you want them sent.
Twitter…Is Easy! Twitter Lingo DM = Direct = Use to reply and always include proceeding a Twitter ID in a reply RT = Retweet Tweet = Sending a message on Twitter Tw + any other word. A fun practice on Twitter is to develop a new twist on old words. For example, Tworld = Twitter world, and Tweeples = Those who use Twitter. You get the picture.
Conventional Communication Conventional methods of contacting your SOI or farm area are limited. Direct Mail – Budget, Time, Delays, No Interaction Phone – Time, Number – Addresses, Write, Time
Tweet and Expand Your Reach Twitter is a one to many communication tool. FREE Time Saver – No need for addresses, messages are short and fast No Need to manage a contact list No Delivery Delays – Messages are instant Interactive Ability to Reach People You Don’t Know
Tweet and Expand Your Reach Direct Mail 200 Post Cards 200 House holds Message Limited Frequency Limited, 1 per mo. Most Post Cards go directly to Trash Cost to = $80.00 Twitter 1 Tweet 200 Followers Message can be a link, photo, video or text Frequency only limited by time 1% of Followers ReTweet your message (20 x 92) =1840 Cost to Agent $0
How Do I Get Started?
Goto to Create an account using your address and a password Pick a “handle” Create Your Profile (Only 160 Characters) Upload a photo for your Avatar
How Do I Get Followers? Follow and be followed Who Do I Follow? – TV Newscasts – StlToday – Patch – Community – CBG – NAR – Other RE Professionals
How Do I Find People to Follow? Your Contact List Search on Twitter for people or topics of interest Use Search sites on the internet – Twellow – Local Tweeps – Nearby Tweeps
How Do I Get Followers? Cross Marketing – Invite people to follow you: Signature On Post Cards to your SOI and farm areas On Door Hangers On Property Brochures On Ad Specialty items On Property Signs On Car Signs
What Do I Tweet? Personal Experiences – Movie, Restaurant, Something that’s happening in the community or neighborhood CBG Today link Link to an interesting article Photos Videos Something about your RE business
What Do I Tweet? Subscribe to blogs and keywords using and then act as an arbiter for your topic, constantly pushing out the best content. ReTweet interesting information from people you follow Ask clients to follow you on Twitter AND tweet a testimonial for you using symbol and your handle.
Promote Interaction Become the neighborhood expert, create a Hashtag for the neighborhood Become the real estate expert – Invite RE questions from your followers – Ask a question Retweet messages of others and give them credit by using symbol and their handle DM followers to promote one on one commumication or to send a private message
RE People @mashsocialmedia (Your manager’s handle)
Twitter Homepage
Retweeting Tips Having your tweets retweeted by followers builds exposure exponentially. Calls to action (as in: “please ReTweet”), while they might sound cheesy, work very well to get ReTweets. - Timely content gets ReTweeted a lot. - People like to ReTweet blog posts. 69% of retweets contain a link.
Use Hashtags A Hashtag is a topic with a hash symbol (“#”) at the start to identify it. It’s also a way for Twitter users to organize themselves. Create a Hashtag for your farm area, tweet information and ask residents to tweet information and items of interest.
Other Resources Goto: FREE Download: Twitter for Real Estate Twits