How to autopost links to your Inciweb articles and announcements to your own Twitter account
1. Go to
2. If you want to autopost your home unit Inciweb RSS feed (ex. Lincoln National Forest)to Inciweb to your home unit Twitter account click on your home unit
3. If you want to autopost your incident specific Inciweb RSS feed (ex. Little Bear Fire) to your incident specific or IMT Twitter account click on your incident on Inciweb.
4. Scroll down and click on the orange RSS Article Feed
5. Highlight the website address (ex. then right-click and select “Copy”
5. Go to and create an account with your and password (or skip to Step 6 if you already have an account)
6. Go to and Log
8. Enter your and password and click “Login”
9. Click on “Add Route”
10. Click “+ add”
11. Click “New”
12. Right click in the Feed URL box and select “Paste”
13. Click on the Feed Update tab and use the arrow to select “Every 15 minutes”
14. Click on the Item Text tab and enter any auto hashtags (ex. #LittleBearFire and #NMFire) you want to use in the “Start items with” and “Ends items with” boxes, Then click “Save Source”
15. Click “+ add” Destination
16. Click on “New” Twitter Account
17. Click “Start Authorization”
18. Enter your Twitter username and password, then “Authorize app”, then “Save”
19. To edit your feed, put your cursor over the name and click on the pencil (or click on the “X” to delete)
19. To View Statistics, click on the “Stats” tab, then click “Dashboard” or “Routes” for more info
Note: You can also use to post your RSS feeds (including other sources like Flickr, etc.) to Facebook
The Inciweb article RSS feed autoposts the headline for articles and announcements with the name of the incident in parenthesis and a link to the article Recommendations: The title of your article is your tweet, so make it descriptive Don’t include the name of your incident in your title as it will appear automatically Updates to the 209 section, Summary, Maps, and Images do not show up in the RSS feed, so be sure to post updates you want to tweet as articles and announcements
Notes About Twitter Feed feed automatically posts tweets when news releases, announcements, or maps have been updated
Finding Your Unit / Incident Posts on Twitter Feed Click on your unit or incident, then scroll down and click on “Twitter Feed” The hashtags are autocreated by Inciweb
Tweeting From Inciweb Note: Tweets sent directly from Inciweb do not appear in the Article RSS feed, and thus will not be auto posted to your Twitter account. They only appear in feed. So be sure to post updates you want to autotweet to your account as articles and announcements instead of sending tweets from Inciweb.