Know how. Know now. Using Twitter to Engage with Your Customers Jenny Rees UNL Extension
Know how. Know now. Objectives: Learn What Twitter is How to build and monitor your company brand How Twitter can be used to engage your customers
Know how. Know now.
Twitter Terminology Twitter Handle: Your Twitter name which begins with symbol. Consider as part of your branding strategy. Consider length. Tweet: Your message in 140 characters. Re-Tweet: Sharing the message with one’s followers. Followers: People who view what you say-they don’t need permission unless you change your security settings. Tweep: People who tweet.
Direct Messages ( ) Twitter Settings Compose a new tweet
Know how. Know now. Direct Messages ( ) Twitter Settings Compose a new tweet
Hashtags A way to easily search for keywords, phrases, monitor brands, etc. on Twitter. Have a # sign before the word. Examples include: #beef #food #plant14 #harvest14 #agchat #water Using hashtags helps spread your message to more people. Important to know key words/phrases within the industry you’re working.
What are Your Goals?
Engage Your Customers People like to interact with a person behind the brand. Ask customers their thoughts. Use their twitter handles. Don’t always be selling something other than yourself. Listen to what they’re saying.
Monitoring/Building Your Brand Google Analytics Largest following: Crowdbooster or SocialBro
Know how. Know now. Jenny Rees Blog: Twitter: LinkedIn: Pinterest: