IC Deputy and Assistant Coordinator Training September 11, 2013 Lipsett Amphitheater NIH Clinical Center, Building 10
Thank you very much for serving as an IC Deputy or Assistant Campaign Manager. Your leadership will make it possible for NIH employees to make a tangible difference in our community and beyond.
Jenny Czajkowski NIAAA Deputy Executive Officer NIH CFC 2013 Deputy Campaign Manager
Campaign Leadership 4 Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA) Dr. Collins, NIH Director and Campaign Chair Dr. Warren, NIAAA Acting Director and Campaign Vice Chair Keith Lamirande, NIAAA Executive Officer and NIH Campaign Manager
Goals Achievement2013 Goal DHHS$6 million$5 million NIH$2.6 million$2.2 million Why have goals? Motivate Serve as Benchmark
About the CFC 1 Federal Government workplace giving campaign 2 All Federal employees are given the opportunity to participate Contractors and retired employees may participate on their own initiative. 3 Fully voluntary—no requirement to give 4 We are part of the CFC of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA) 5 Choice of 4,400 charities 6 Makes a difference 2012 CFCNCA raised nearly $62 million 6
Why give through CFC? Quality and Choice Giving Made Easy Maximize the power of community—Many individual pledges result in greater sum donations to the charities 7
What Campaign Workers Do: 1 Make sure every one in the NIH community is aware of the campaign 2 Give each employee access to a pledge form and the campaign catalog 8
Marketing Helps Make It Possible Amy Ginsburg Marketing Director, CFCNCA
Celebrating the federal worker who makes it all possible… 10www.cfcnca.org The 2013 CFCNCA marketing materials: honor federal employees who are genuine philanthropists, donating more than $7 billion nationally to their favorite causes through the Combined Federal Campaign. link CFC pledges to real outcomes that demonstrate the tangible difference that results from supporting the CFC
Social Media 11www.cfcnca.org #CFCNCA – It’s a conversation, not a lecture FACEBOOK - Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area ‘Like’ our Facebook page Tag us on your posts and photos Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area Share our posts on personal pages and agency pages TWITTER - CFCNCA Follow our Twitter feed Re-tweet in all your posts Include #CFCNCA in all your posts INSTAGRAM – TheCFCNCA Upload campaign photos Tag #CFCNCA on photos FLICKR – CFCNCA 2013 Upload campaign photos 2013 on photos Tag #CFCNCA on photos
Sharing Your Story 12www.cfcnca.org You and other fans of the CFC can share your personal CFC story. Create a 30-second video that describes what you make possible through your CFC contribution, then upload your video to our Shared Stories Video Wall at
Posters 13www.cfcnca.org
Posters 14www.cfcnca.org
Posters 15www.cfcnca.org
Posters 16www.cfcnca.org
Posters 17www.cfcnca.org
18www.cfcnca.org Campaign Cards
20www.cfcnca.org Campaign Cards
Second Touch Card 21www.cfcnca.org
22www.cfcnca.org Keyworker Guide
Pledge Form 23www.cfcnca.org
24www.cfcnca.org Catalog of Caring
Campaign Timeline 25 Late September-early October –Recruit and train Keyworkers –Coordinators plan activities and promotions for their IC October –NIH CFC Kickoff, Wednesday, October 2, 11 to 1, in front of Building One –Keyworkers make first contact November –Keyworkers follow up with their contacts –Continue momentum within your IC December –Final push January –Continue accepting contributions February, March –Awards and recognition for Campaign workers
Deputy Coordinator Role 26 Hands-on leader for your IC’s campaign Lead your ICs CFC team Recruit, train, supervise, and thank your IC’s Keyworkers Manage the distribution of supplies Promote the CFC within your IC Report contributions weekly Keep your IC’s campaign on track towards IC’s goal
Supplies Catalog of Caring Campaign card Pledge Form Second Touch Campaign Card Other supplies include How to Order Supplies? Monica Hanson will contact each Deputy Coordinator regarding supplies. Posters Donor Stickers Pledge Form Carriers (form 100) CFC Deposit Bags (form 300) Keyworker Training Kits Eagle Pins
Keyworkers 28 Recruit good Keyworkers, ideally one Keyworker for every employees Engage and Support your Keyworkers Organize Keyworker Training Provide tools for success (supplies, contact lists, feedback) Communicate weekly with your Keyworkers Recognize and thank your Keyworkers Personally thank every Keyworker for their efforts CFCNCA Keyworker Certificate of Appreciation
Keyworkers Training 29 Follow instructions in your folder Step-by-Step Instructions in your handouts Use Outlook Meeting Request to see available times Ask your EO to stop by to personally thank Keyworkers Have your supplies ready. Give each Keyworker List of contacts Keyworker Kit Enough supplies for their contacts
30 NIH-wide activities Weekly EO communications NIH-wide messages NIH CFC Kickoff Posters, Banners, Goal Charts Regional charity fairs cfc.nih.gov website NIH_CFC on Twitter IC Director’s Challenge (Video Contest) Promoting the CFC Your IC’s activities Keyworker Training IC-wide messages Create a campaign presence: posters, catalogs, etc. Events and activities Keyworkers
Break 31
Online Giving Update 32 CFCNCA is using a new online giving and reporting system. CFC Nexus (Replaces Manage)
CFC Nexus 33 Sondra Kendrick, CFCNCA Loaned Executive
Collecting and Reporting 34 Step-by-Step instructions in your handout For veterans, similar to past years
35 Reporting Contributions Keyworkers collect paper pledges from their contacts –Traditional Paper Pledge forms –Forms completed online at CFCNCA.org and then printed Deputy and Assistant Coordinators collect from Keyworkers each week Double Check –check white and yellow carriers for accuracy and completeness –Confidential gifts in sealed envelopes stapled to outside of white carriers Coordinators manage pledge collection and reporting
Reporting Contributions 36 Complete the Deposit Form (form 200) through CFC Nexus Place white pledge card carriers in plastic deposit bag Place printed Deposit Form (form 200) in the small front pocket of the plastic deposit bag Attach yellow pockets to the outside of the plastic deposit bag (NIAAA will deliver the yellow pockets to NIH payroll for you)
Thursday is NIH Report Day 37 Prepare your deposits weekly Submit your deposits –On campus: Deliver your plastic deposit bag(s) to the NIH Federal Credit Union Branch in Building 31. –Off campus: Follow the off-campus pick up schedule Questions? Problems? Concerns? Please call us or
Event Calendar 38 September 27CFCNCA’s Red, White, and Blue Day October 2NIH CFC 2013 Kickoff, Building 1 October 10First NIH Report Day October 31R&W Annual CFC Halloween Event, Building 31 November NIH Annual IC Director’s Challenge December R&W Annual CFC Drawing March 5, 2014NIH CFC Awards Ceremony
Best Practices 39 Recruit your team and make a plan Manage and support your Keyworkers Focus on 100% ask Jump start your campaign Build and maintain momentum with poster, s, events, follow-up Wrap it up
Help and Support 40 Contact CFCNCA for CFC Nexus and pledging questions: Visit Send a copy (cc) to our HHS Loaned Executive Sondra Kendrick, Call the CFCNCA Help Desk, (202) Contact NIH CFC for Training, Supplies, Events Visit NIH’s CFC website: cfc.nih.govcfc.nih.gov Send an to our help desk: Call the NIH CFC Office at Call Christine Brake or Call Monica Hanson or
Getting Started 41 Meet with former campaign workers. Coordinate with Monica Hanson to order CFC supplies for your IC. Meet with your Executive Officer; Schedule regular communications to report on your IC’s weekly progress. Recruit Keyworkers and set up Keyworker Training.