Twitter 101 What the heck and # !?
So what is Twitter? Social networking and micro blogging site Think of it like a cocktail party 140 Million users worldwide /140 Character limit Follow people, companies, organizations Connect with new people News- real time, fast, straight from the source Great listening tool to see what others are saying about a topic Direct contact between consumers and companies Direct contact with politicians, celebrities, musicians Twitter chats with other industry experts
Twitter 101 – What the heck is and “#” !? Symbol?What is it?What does it HandleUsername, Used to mention others, to reply to others # HashtagMetadata Tag, Used to follow discussions, find topics, case sensitive, no spaces RT RetweetShare a message from another user with your followers DM Direct Message A private message only you and the recipient can read, good for ongoing conversations #FF Follow Friday Use the hashtag #FF to tell your followers who you like and who they also would want to follow (on Friday)
Anatomy of Twitter What is all this stuff?!
Your info This your Twitter Feed See the tweets from who you are following Who to Follow Hot Topics
and see who has tweeted you. Find # and follow conversations Click this to write a tweet Your settings See your tweets and profile.
Create your Twitter Account! Just 5 steps!
GO TO Put in your information and click “Sign up for Twitter” Step One: Sign Up!
This is Pick something easy to remember Shorter the better Descriptive Only get 15 characters Letters, _underscores and numbers only Step Two: Choosing Your Twitter Handle
Step three: be a follower! You can find contacts you already know with your address. Don’t @MayoClinic Step Three: Be a Follower!
Step Four : Your Twitter Profile Best Practices for Profile Pictures Keep your picture the same and people can recognize you easier Remember the small size Keep it professional & simple Best Practices for Bio State why others should follow you! Examples: Nurse for 25 years, spreading health and wellness information Traveling the states, raising awareness about CHC advocacy,
Step 5 send a tweet! Step Five : Send a Tweet! Just heard a fabulous speaker at #OACHC13 can't wait for the reception and networking! #fqhc #chc
Go to #discover and type in #OACHC13 Lets follow the twitter feed! TIP: This is also how you follow a twitter chat! LETS CHECK OUT OUR HASHTAG!