Do You Speak Twitter? Mitzi Vincent CPSB Technology
Why Twitter? Connected network with like-minded educators Collaborate and receive instant feedback Personal Learning Network (PLN) Online posting in140 characters or less
When Did You Join Twitter?
Creating An Account
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Language of Twitter (RT) Retweet at Favorite (#) Hashtag (DM) Direct Message Expand More info.about tweet Reply
Manage and Organize Your PLN Tweetdeck
Manage and Organize Your PLN Hootsuite
Apps for Twitter
Manage and Organize Your PLN Pocket
Using Twitter as a Search Engine
#Hashtags #Hashtags help to organize tweets by topic You can follow specific chat Ex)tnt14 If you want to avoid all of your followers seeing the conversation, start the tweet
LiveBinders Twitter
Credits Twitter Twitter Photovisi Photovisi When Did You Join Twitter When Did You Join Twitter Tweetdeck Tweetdeck Hootsuite Hootsuite Pocket Pocket LiveBinders LiveBinders OpenClipArt Library OpenClipArt Library My Cute Graphics My Cute Graphics QR Stuff QR Stuff