Social Media Marketing: From Mystery to Mastery Tweet and Connect Presented by Linnea Blair Advisors On Target June 16, 2011
During this class you will: Set-Up with a Twitter Profile and start growing your list Tweet your Message – learn to create interest with interesting mini messages that people notice Social Media Connections – Connect your social media accounts to leverage your time & expand your visibility Get the most from Networking with Social Media online and offline
Twitter Features Short 140 character status updates can generate quick interest Post from Smart Phone/Website or Twitter client Link feature to Facebook Page, LinkedIn Profile or blog can expand your social media reach
Twitter Profile Sign up for a Twitter Account Choose a name (15 characters) Add Photo or Avatar (100x100 px) Add Website URL Add Description – 160 characters, use key words Choose a background (later add custom background)
Set up Auto posting Sign up for a Twitterfeed account Connect Blog to Twitter via your Twitterfeed account (if you have a blog) Add your Twitter handle to your LinkedIn profile Consider Linking Twitter and Facebook (beware of too much circular posting)
Link Your Social Media Facebook Page Wall Linked In Status Twitter Feed Blog Post Make it easy – one post goes to more than one place Be careful that you don’t create lots of duplicates with too many linkages!
Building Your Twitter Network Search and Follow: People you know Interesting people in your city Interesting people in your niches People who could be referral partners
Twitter Actions Follow relevant people Connect on common topics #Hashtags, Lists, Trends RT - Retweets DM - Direct - Replies
What to post on Twitter Broadcast interesting items to your network – social or business Post links to articles, blogs, videos or photos Entice people to buy, act or sign up for something Share insights and observations Share relevant things you are doing that demonstrate your expertise
How to post on Twitter Direct Post on Twitter Post from Twitter Client like Hootsuite Post from another site via “tweet” button to share an article etc. Auto-Post from LinkedIn via Status update
Wording and Links Remember – only 140 characters! Use a link shortener like to shorten too long or messy links (and track them!) Pay attention to first words of post to engage readers Edit wording on “shares” from other sites
Networking and Connecting on LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter Review Social Media Mind Map Visit sites regularly View Newsfeed and Interact with people – prioritize customers, referral partners, potential clients & referral partners Look for opportunities to grow network
Leverage Social Media to: Promote your business Network with clients and referral partners Increase Professional Credibility Expand Your Web Presence Drive traffic to your website Build Brand Awareness Generate Leads!
Homework Set up Twitter and complete profile Set up blog to autopost (if applicable) using Twitterfeed Finish up any Homework from LinkedIn and Facebook sessions Start to work your networking plan – use Social Media Mind map as a guide
Connect with us online We share information that we discover to help you market your business online as well as other information that is relevant to running a successful business Connect on LinkedIn Follow on Twitter “Like” the Advisors On Target Facebook Page!
Contact me for more information about managing your online success ! Advisors On Target Business Coaching & Marketing Consulting Linnea Blair Office: Web: Twitter: AdvisorOnTargetAdvisorOnTarget Facebook: LinkedIn: