TIE 300 Session #4 October 3,
Welcome Back! Today’s Agenda: Check in Trends in Ed Tech Presentations: TED Talks, Digital Storytelling, Mashups Personal Learning Networks Web 2.0 Cool Tool: Flocabulary
Check In Checking in: how are things? Anything Nicole needs to know? Blog- First three posts due: intro/research/stages Web Presences Website- 3 components: welcome, contact information, link to blog Making Websites “live” ICE Wednesday Webinar: October 9 th 5:30-6:30 (extra credit)
Trends in Ed Tech Presentation TED Talks Jacqueline G. Questions? Comments? Feedback?
Trends in Ed Tech Presentation Digital Storytelling Elizabeth H. Questions? Comments? Feedback?
Trends in Ed Tech Presentation Mashups Phoebe H. Questions? Comments? Feedback?
Professional Learning Networks Personal Learning Networks Professional Learning Systems Personal Learning Plans Professional Learning Committee Tailored to an educator’s specific needs Give exposure to educators outside your building “Learner Driven” Allows you to manage your own learning Learn from others with like-minded interest Anytime/Anywhere Learning
Why Participate in PLNs?
PLN’s and Pre-Service Teachers Teacher Attrition First 3 years of the teaching profession are considered a time of “survival and discovery” 24% of teachers leave after two years and nearly 50% leave the profession within 5 years Lack of support was one of the reasons cited by new teachers for leaving the profession Schools implementing professional learning communities have reduced attrition rates Research conducted by Ryan Visser & Lea Calvert Evering, Ph.D.’s at Clemson University as presented at ISTE 2013 in San Antonio, Texas
The Power of a PLN
The Power of a PLN: goo.gl United States Canada Guatemala Guyana Uruguay Spain United Kingdom Finland Indonesia Australia Algeria 211! 1,312
The Power of a PLN
277 goo.gl 393 Blogger
Social Media & PLN’s PLN’s aren’t just limited to technology: books, coursework, conversation, conferences
Nicole’s PLN
Edmodo ASK
Edmodo SHARE
Illinois Computing Educators
Twitter and PLN’s
A “real-time” social network “Micro-blogging” site 140 Character Limit Text, Links, Videos, Images “Followers” “Following” # “hashtag” RT “retweet” content/uploads/2012/12/Twitter-Cheat-Sheet-Tool-4-Learning- Unlimited-by-Kimberly-Tyson.pdf twitter-teachers/
PLN Assignment Create a Twitter account (you may use an existing account). Make sure it is not protected! (now) Find 15 (or more) education related people/organizations to follow. (now) Monitor your Twitter feed every day or two for educational content. Retweet any resources you think are worthwhile. (next four weeks) Participate in an #EdChat or #ntChat (take a screen shot). (next four weeks) Reflect in a blog post about: (1) an educational resource you found via Twitter. Link to the resources, tell who posted the resource and tell us why you thought it was a good resource (2) your experience/opinion about PLN’s on Twitter including the #EdChat (include your screenshot in this post). Be sure to also include a link to your Twitter feed. Due November 11 th.
Our Very Own #Hashtag Embed your Twitter Feed on your blog (optional):
Additional PLN Resources Technology-and-Education/
Additional PLN Resources (sign up for technology newsletters) dtofriend.aspx?msgid=45107&obid= &ue dtofriend.aspx?msgid=45107&obid= &ue (Tech & Learning e-news) Image source:
New to PLNs Lurk! Collect! Contribute! Ask questions, make comments, share your stuff
Stages of PLN Adoption
Stages of PLN Adoption Image source: wvucommmooc.org
Stages of PLN Adoption Image source:
Stages of PLN Adoption Image sources: rdzmedia.com chrisjpowell.com
Stages of PLN Adoption image source:
Stages of PLN Adoption
Web 2.0 Cool Tool: Flocabulary
Homework O Begin your Educational Philosophy draft: O Why are you here? What beliefs do you have about educating children? O (suggestions) O (samples) O O O O - !educational-philosophy/c14k0 (Nicole’s) - !educational-philosophy/c14k0 O Join the Flock, Twitter for Beginners & 20 Social Networks Readings