1 THE KNOWLEDGE AGENTS ALLIANCE & lessons learnt from Network Management September 2014 Francisco Velasco Executive Director MRI-International _
2 How to make a good caipirinha THE RIGHT RESOURCES THE PERFECT CUT How do we do it, mix it? The secret touch! (in TT, methodology is key) Ingredients, cook, suppliers, … The resources to do it! (in TT, networks are key) Analysis on 2 best practices to improve technology transfer: Network management + TT Methodology
3 Network management, a mess? +300 contacts Companies Investors Incubators Universities Business Centers Technology brokers
4 The Four Levels of Trust model EXPERT NETWORK COMMERTIAL PARTNERS ALLIANCE TRANSFER COUNCIL Shared vision & resources Trusted operational partners Collaboration partners Business development partners How did we liaise with the problem?
5 Alliance Transfer Council Expert Network Shared vision & resources Trusted operational partners Collaboration partners KAA Transfer Council KAA Expert Network contacts over the world Level 1 Level 2 Level 4 Commercial partners Level 3 BD partners Common structure Shared resources Shared locations Shared risk Shared networks Cobranding policy Advisory Board to KAA Shares best practices Co-participates events Project delivery in their country 2 years membership, meetings every 6 months KAAs service supplier in their country Commercial contract with success-fee Training & support received by KAA Tech assessment & market feasibility EU Project partnering The Four Levels of Trust model
6 TT Methodology European Space Agency case The European Space Agency (ESA) is formed by 20 members states and aims at developing European space ESA´s portfolio not initially designed for applications outside space The institutional nature prevents planning R&D for applications in industrial sectors There are no specific tools for portfolio management Entity Case Study by Knowledge Innovation Market (KIM), member of the Knowledte Agents Alliance (KAA) +141 Inventions assessed 10% Inventions abandoned +20 Applications detected +50 Potential licensees International networking and collaboration power improved Entity Context Results
7 RECOMMENDATION comm. roadmap & expert per patent Patent CLAIMS analysis Inventions analysis & detection of potential APPLICATIONS Development of a Portfolio Management TOOL STAGE 1: TECH ASESSMENT STAGE 2: COMMERCIALZATION High-level technical meeting and definition of TERM SHEET Commercialisation & communication plan Contact round with potential licensees Qualification & priorisation of prospects (MOU) KAA Transfer Council Potential licensees TT Methodology European Space Agency case
8 Challenges Nature of TT International businesses needs connecting multiple players globally Build intelligent networks (more effective than big structures) IPR Helpdesk acting as a neural point to connect TT agents globally? Share and merge similar methodologies amongst EU & Brazilian players Foster TT training & services to harmonise methodologies Harmonisation Dissimilar methodologies lowers chances for TT deals Develop schemes to connect supply-demand internationally Supply-Demand Tendency to look for solutions at local level Promote tech scouting & acquisition programmes Recommendations The public role Tendency to focus only on R&D projects Consider funding also the POST & PRE, not just the R&D project Define “which R&D to make” & fund related TT activities Recommendations on how to improve BR-EU cooperation
9 Francisco Velasco, MBA, MSc, BEng Executive Director MRI-International Velázquez, 57, 6D; Madrid, Spain Tel: Mov: Thanks for es.linkedin.com/in/fravelasco Member of: The Knowledge Agents Alliance THINK. KNOW. SELL.