Alphabetic code Segmenting-clapping syllables Blending
Teaching phonics requires a technical skill in enunciation Phonemes should be articulated clearly and precisely What do you get if you add /uh/? Hen Din Mat The clearer the sound, the easier it is for a child to blend together (synthesize) the individual sounds to read a word because there are no unnecessary sounds getting in the way
Letters and Sounds Opportunities for chn to read AND write in every session
Phoneme = the smallest unit of sound. c a t r ai n s l ee p Grapheme= the way the sound is written. ai ay eigh a a_e rain day eight today make Digraph= two letters making one sound. ch sh ee ay ea oo Trigraph= three letters making one sound. Igh Split digraph= grapheme split between a letter in a word.
show happy float make throat light shopping doughnut park
80% of the English language is decodeable
If a word cannot be sounded out: Keep practising with your child Support them is sounding it out as it should be ‘was’ – ‘w o s’ but make sure you talk about the ‘naughty a’ which does not follow the rule! Try getting your child to write the word lots of time in different coloured felt tips Practise sight-reading the word every day
Videos uploaded on YouTube Website
Hunt for objects that begin with particular letters Make a poster of pictures beginning with particular letters Practise writing the sounds (handout) Read your child rhyming texts-encourage them to take an interest in the sounds in words and to spot patterns Spot the sound when they listen to you read a story
ures/longvow/poems/fpoem.shtml ures/longvow/poems/fpoem.shtml
Have large sheets with in- un- re- chn have to write as many words as they can think of with the prefix Word generator: ch/sh/ee/i/n/p/t on individual post its- chn must rearrange to make as many words as they can Scrabble, word games, anagrams, Countdown
ELG 09 Reading: Children read and understand simple sentences. They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also read some common irregular words. They demonstrate an understanding when talking with others about what they have read.
ELG 10 Writing: Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.
Applies phonic knowledge and skills consistently to decode age appropriate texts quickly and accurately. Recognises and effortlessly decodes alternative sounds for graphemes; words of two or more syllables; words with common suffixes; and most common exception words, based on what has been taught. When reading aloud, sounds out unfamiliar words accurately without undue hesitation, and reads with confidence and fluency.
Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
DFE website: agogy/teachingstyles/phonics Phonics websites: