Welcome to Foundation Teacher: Miss Horth Support Assistants : Miss Wetherall and Mrs Mohan
The School Day 8.55am Registration 10.40am Break time Lunch time 1.00pm Afternoon learning pm Afternoon play 3.15pm Home time If you are late or absent please telephone the school office beforehand and follow up an absence with a written letter or .
Equipment PE will be on Tuesday and Thursday. Children will need a white T-shirt, navy shorts, navy or black tracksuit, socks and velcro trainers/plimsolls. Please ensure all clothes are clearly named and P.E kits are left in school for the term. Children will access the outside area in a variety of weathers please make sure they have suitable coat or/and hat.
Snack time Children in Foundation have the opportunity to eat a piece of fruit and milk before morning break time. We understand that some children do not like certain fruits but we normally have a selection and encourage healthy eating. Please can you provide your child with a water bottle to bring into school every morning.
Uniform At Trinity St Stephen First School: We are always smart. We know that we tuck our shirts in. Our hair is tied up or clipped back using brown, black or school colours hair accessories. Please label ALL clothing to avoid distress, wasted time and expense. Our uniform includes: Boys- White shirt or school polo shirt, grey trousers/shorts, grey socks, red school sweatshirt and black shoes. Girls- White blouse or school polo shirt, grey pinafore dress/skirt/trousers, red school sweatshirt or cardigan, red/grey/white plain tights and black shoes (low heel).
Learning in Foundation Learning in Foundation is very active and often based upon play and practical activities. Children are encouraged to be independent and think problems through. We encourage the children to speak to others, have a go at different activities and take turns and share.
Early years assessment The early years areas of learning: -Communication and language -Physical development -Personal, social and emotional development -Literacy development -Mathematics development -Understanding of the world -Expressive arts and design
Our Learning- Maths We use numbers in our play, activities and songs starting with numbers up to 10 then working to 20. Count objects accurately, estimate and recognise numbers up to 20. Begin to solve problems using numbers. Talk about time and money through their play. Recognise 2D and some 3D shapes.
Our learning- phonics We begin by practising general listening skills- listening, imitating and talking about sounds in our environment. We then move on to listening carefully to the sounds in words and beginning to recognise individual sounds. We use the Jolly phonic actions to help us learn our sounds. Writing skills naturally develop as they are learning their sounds.
Our Learning - Reading We have adopted a new reading scheme in Foundation using the ‘Dandelion Readers.’ After half-term we will start to give children reading books to bring home. They will be changed every Monday and once a week your child will be heard by a adult during a guided reading session. Please ensure that you sign and comment in the reading record; it is good for us to know how you feel their reading is progressing. Foundation will also have the opportunity to choose a library book to bring home. They will have the opportunity to change this weekly.
Our Learning – topics There are three main topics throughout the school year- Harvest, Christmas and Easter. This half-term the topics Foundation class will be looking at are Harvest and Ourselves.
Helping at home Read with your child at least once a week and enjoy sharing a variety of books with them. As we learn our phonic sounds we will be sending home a sheet telling you the sound we are learning and the Jolly phonic action. Give your child small amounts of money to handle and spend. Play games with your child/children such as snakes and ladders or other dice game.
Visitors in School At Trinity St Stephen we welcome your support in school. If you would like to help us in the classroom please ensure: You have seen the safeguarding information and you understand that working with the children is both a privilege and a responsibility. You are dressed appropriately – this is a professional environment. You listen and follow the instructions given to you by the member of staff you are working with.
Communication with school There may be occasions when you need to talk to the class teacher. Please understand that this is not always possible before school, unless by prior arrangement. Messages may be left with Mrs Hickley on the playground before school. Teachers can be more flexible at the end of the school day. For the safety of all children in our school only come into school in exceptional circumstances. Please only use the front door.
The Class News Please check the class news on the school website. It is published on a Tuesday.