Parent Presentation Phonics, early reading and spelling
Aims of the Presentation To provide an introduction to the first steps of phonics and early stages of reading Letters and Sounds To show how spelling is taught in key stage 1 To give ideas for how parents can help with their child’s reading and spelling at home
First steps to phonics Phoneme – a single unit of sound We will cover these phonemes first Set 1:satp Set 2:inmd Set 3:gock Set 4:ckeur Set 5:hbf, ffl, llss Set 6:jvwx Set 7:yz, zzqu
Phonemes We then move on to these phonemes chshthng aieeighoa ooarorur owoiearair airureer The way we write these phonemes is called a grapheme
Phase 5 Alternative spelling patterns (igh, ie, i_e) Alternative pronunciations (ow e.g. low, down) Tricky words Reading and spelling words
Year 1 and 2 spellings. The focus is on the children learning alternative spellings for each phoneme. Sound chart – 44 sounds /alternative spellings. Look Cover Write Check High Frequency words Spellings
Early stages of reading Techniques to use at home First books will not contain any words Use pictures as clues Tricky words Phonic clues
Guided Reading Developing an ability to recognise words automatically and to decode words silently or aloud Developing comprehension skills Look at a selection of guided reading books Question your child after reading.