NCALE vocational Trisha Hanifin Unitec April 2009
ThinkingDoing Observing Real life observation Knowledge Frameworks Theories Philosophies Focus question: Vee heuristic adapted from Novak and Gowin. (1984) Teaching and learning methods Classroom practice
ThinkingDoing Observing What kinds of issues and problems have we observed in the classroom? What kinds of structured observations (assessments) can we use to help teachers and learners? Literacy Knowledge Frameworks Theories Philosophies BDA The literacy dynamic The four roles Levels of comprehension Foundation learning progressions Programme and course design Teaching and learning strategies and activities Focus question: How can we embed literacy into our programmes? Vee heuristic adapted from Novak and Gowin. (1984)
BDA: Before, During, After: having an active reading plan: (Duffy, 2003) The Literacy Dynamic: Text, Learner, Context (Buehl, 2001)
BeforePreparation for learning activities and texts ( speaking, listening, reading, writing) DuringEngagement with learning activities and texts AfterReflection on learning activities and texts
A Model of Reading Process What is taught/learned? Word recognitionFluencyComprehension sightanalysisrateattitude visual disc phonicstructurecontextbeforeduringafter PAcompoundseasypredictingmonitoringmain idea 1 visual memletter-soundsprefixesquestioningsummarising 2 sight wordsdecoding by analogy suffixesre-predictingdrawing conclusions harder imagingevaluating multi syllable harder inferringsynthesising intonation sounds like talk wpm AUTOMATED STRATEGIC REASONING Duffy 2006
Gerald Duffy (2006) talks about the need to develop strategic readers and learners Being a strategic reader/learner involves three things: Having a particular attitude - we need to make meaning, that is, meaning is not always transparent Having a plan – to get meaning we need to do something before, during and after we do an activity or read Employing strategic reasoning – what comprehension skills and strategies do we need to use to make sense of this task in this context and with this text?
An overall framework to guide our thinking about comprehension and teaching and learning activities. Learner Context Text Comprehension Strategies Teaching and Learning activities
Code breaker Decoding – can I crack the code? Encoding – can I reproduce/use the code to write? Meaning maker Comprehension Reading: what does this mean? Writing: how do I create meaning? Text user Understanding the purpose of the text and the task – what kind of text is this and how do I use it or reproduce it? Text analyst Critical literacy/reflection – Reading: who wrote this, where do they come from, what are their interests? Writing: authorship: voice and viewpoint, audience, argument or opinion, sources.
Literal – the reader understands the basic facts Inferential – the reader is able to go beyond what is written on the page and add meaning or draw conclusions Critical – the reader assesses the good sense of what he or she is reading, its clarity, accuracy and any apparent exaggeration or bias Creative – the reader takes information or ideas from what has been read and develops new ideas from them
“The learning progressions can be used: To gain a basic picture of an adult learner’s current skills, strategies and knowledge in oral and written English To identify the English-language demands of specific workplace, community, or personal tasks and texts To provide a sequence for teaching and learning programmes and to use in designing such programmes.” Learning Progressions for Adult Literacy and Language, TEC, 2008, page 5.
Decoding Vocabulary Language and text features Comprehension Reading critically
Begin with the literacy dynamic and /or the progressions: What text (s) am I using and what are its demands? (text) What is the reading purpose/task? (context) What skills and strategies do my students have? (learner) What do my students need to do to succeed with the text and the task? (learner ) Then think about the literacy roles: Are my learners able to crack the code of the text? How will they make or create meaning? How will they understand the purpose of the text and the reading/writing task? How will they respond to and critically reflect on the text and the task? Depending on the answers to these questions, use BDA to create a learning plan: before, during and after…
Questions: What is the text? What are its demands? What is the reading purpose/task? What skills and strategies do my students have? What do my students need to do to succeed with the text and the task? Can my students crack the code? How will they make meaning? How will they use the text to complete the task? How will the use the text in other contexts? How will they reflect on the “author” his/her perspective, purpose and interests? How will they reflect on the text and the task?
Before activities help learners to make connections to the text and to predict possible meanings – they also help learners to crack the code and introduce important vocabulary Code-breaker Decoding and vocabulary progressions Connection activity: Prediction activity: Code- breaking activity: Vocabulary activity: During activities focus on making and checking meaning (comprehension) at three levels: factual, inferential, critical Meaning-maker Language and text features and comprehension progressions Factual, inferential, critical activities and/or Duffy: monitoring, questioning, re-predicting, imaging, inferring activities After activities help learners to clarify, summarise, evaluate and synthesise Text user/text analyst Language, text features, comprehension and reading critically progressions Clarify meaning, identify main idea, summarise, draw conclusions, evaluate, synthesise