Guided Reading
Objectives General Understanding of Guided Reading Essential Elements of G.R. Dyer-Kelly’s G.R. Book Club Structure Use of Icons to build Comprehension (Eric)
Goal of Guided Reading? The ultimate goal in guided reading is to help children learn how to use independent reading strategies successfully. Fountas & Pinnell, Guided Reading
What is Guided Reading? Guided reading is teacher-supported reading of the text that are on the children’s instructional level. It is done in small groups of children (4-6) who share common instructional needs and reading abilities. Texts are teacher selected. Each child hold his/her own copy of the text. The teacher acts as a guide. The students are primarily responsible for the reading. During guided reading the teacher introduces the text, observes the students and oversees retelling.
Why Do We Use Guided Reading? To improve fluency. To make instruction more personalized. Guided reading enables children to develop and use strategies of an independent reader. It allows children to gain confidence in their ability to read on their own. It allows for close observation of each student while reading.
What instructional resources do you need? A designated place where the teacher can monitor the group. Multiple copies of the book. A clipboard or notepad to record observations. Various teaching tools (chart paper, white boards, paper, etc.)
How do you organize your students for a guided reading lesson? Students and teacher are seated at table together so teachers can easily hear all students read. Establish groups of 6-8 students who are reading at similar levels. Adjust groups OFTEN !
Essential Elements of Guided Reading Set strategy focus Select Text Introduce Text Read Text Discuss and Revisit Text Respond to Text
Select a Focus: Comprehension Strategies and Skills StrategySkill (Plan of action) (ability that has be acquired by training) Predict/InferPredicting Outcomes Monitor/ClarifyStory Structure Question Cause and Effect Evaluate Fact/Opinion SummarizeDrawing Conclusions Author’s Viewpoint Topic, Main Idea, Details Fantasy and Realism Problem Solving Making Judgments Generalizations
Text Selection Choose books that: Provide opportunities for students to work on focus skills and strategies Builds on students’ background knowledge Are suitable for students’ language level and conceptual understanding Are at students’ instructional level (accuracy 90%-94%)
Dyer-Kelly ’ s Reading Structure First 5 minutes Students should get warmed up to read …. Reread familiar text – builds fluency Teacher takes a running record on one student daily and gives strategy instruction “ on-the-spot ” (teaching point).
Next 5-7 Minutes Review new phonic element students need to know to read new text. AND/OR….Review phonic element students had trouble with from the day before. AND/OR…. Ah-Ha Vocabulary, SIPPS Challenge (polysyllabic decoding) Word Work
Introduce new book or chapter Take a picture walk – activate prior knowledge (levels 1-24) Discuss-- cover, title, author, short summary, chapter titles, table of contents, charts, graphs, index, glossary and make predictions Establish a purpose for reading. Next 5 – 7 minutes Review reading strategies
Next 7-9 minutes Students read text on their own out loud. Students continue to read and reread the assigned text until the teacher brings students back together.
Ways to Read the Text Introduce then read whole text (used for short texts- levels 1-14 some 16-24) Introduce whole text, read first section then give a short introductions to each of the remaining sections. (levels ) Introduce and read a chapter of section of text each day. Introduce first section of the text, read and discuss. Read several more sections independently. Introduce and read the last section then discuss the whole text.
What does teacher do during reading? ☺Observes students’ fluency and reading strategies used during reading ☺Teaching points to emphasize ☺Listens for strong points to praise ☺Listens and coaches students to use reading strategies
When students are finished reading they should… Retell the story. Share their favorite part Discuss story using higher level thinking questions. Demonstrate reading strategies. Next 5-7 minutes
Assessment Observational check lists Anecdotal Notes Running Records Fluency Rubrics Retellings Comprehension Questions Written Response DRA
Guided Reading Lesson Plan
Date/ SelectionReading (90 – 110 mins) Word Work (30 – 40 mins) Week 5/6 Sept. 17 – 26 Mrs. Brown Goes to Town R 1.1, R 1.3 Phonics Long vowels, CVCe, using a, i R 1.1, R 1.3, LC 1.8 Comprehension Skill Predict outcomes R 2.5, R 3.2 Comprehension Predict/infer R 2.5 R 2.7 High Frequency Words different, floor, letter, move, poor, word LC 1.7 Spelling Vowel consonant e spellings LC 1.7, LC 1.8 Vocabulary R 1.1, R 1.3 Story commotion, delivered, feathers, tire, released, wearing Lesson Multiple meaning words R 1.10 Pacing Guide
Resources to Support Guided Reading Internet Houghton Mifflin Guided Reading By Fountas & Pinnell Lori Oczkus –Super Six Comprehension Strategies –Reciprocal Teaching At Work Network with Greer, Howe, Kingswood
Handouts What is Guided Reading? Running Guided Reading Groups Prompts to Support In-The-Head Strategies Strategy Ideas/Charts Sample Lesson Plan Formats Observational Recording Sheets Month at a Glance