Welcome to the Title I Reading Parent Meeting Mrs. Janet Segro Mrs. Stephanie Davis
Mrs. Stephanie Davis Grade 1 Highly Qualified Teacher B. A. in Elementary Education Grades pk-3 University of Mount Union Reading Endorsement Taught 3 rd grade as a leave replacement Taught 2 nd grade as a leave replacement at Kenston
Mrs. Janet Segro Grade 2 Highly Qualified Teacher B. S. in Elementary Education Grades 1-8 Classroom teacher for five years, grades 3 and 5 Math Interventionist at Kenston for six years, grades 1 and 2 Reading Interventionist for grades 2 and 3 Worked with third graders to prepare them for the Ohio Achievement Assessment. Revised the second grade math course of study
Qualifications for Reading Grade 1 1. DIBELS– Dynamic Indicators of Basic Literacy Skills a. Oral reading b. Nonsense word fluency 2. DSA – Developmental Spelling Analysis 3. DRA - Developmental Reading Assessment 4. Kindergarten Sight Words
Qualifications for Reading Grade 2 DIBELS – oral reading and nonsense word fluency DRA – Developmental Reading Assessment Sight Words – below 90% on 1 st grade list DSA – Developmental Spelling Analysis Teacher Referral
Class Makeup Grade 1 Small group 2-5 students per group Meet 4 days a week for 30 minutes at a time Small Group- (Snyder, Nesic, Il’Giovine, Besand, Hammond, Petre) In class model- (Pitcher, Svajger, DeFrancesco)
Class Makeup Grade 2 Small group 2-5 students Thirty minutes, four days a week 1 in class model (Reeb), 3 days 40 minutes Pull out sessions are in room E14, second grade pod
Reading Class Activities Grade 1 Read books on their level related to the skill focused on in class Word work- sounds, blends, digraphs, rhyming, word families Word study Computer programs Daily Phonic Worksheets Readers theater
Reading Class Activities Grade 2 Word Study Read books on their level related to the skill focused in class Daily Phonic Worksheets Focus on story elements (Characters, Setting, Beginning, Middle, and End of Story) Reinforce skills being taught in the classroom (sequence, main idea, etc.) Written extended responses
Home School Connection 1. Take home reading books Grade 1 - Explore New Worlds Grade 2- Catch a Good Book 2. Frog Family Fun Pack and Poem 3. Newsletters 4. Website
Ideas for Reading at home Choosing good books “Just Right Books” Creating reading spaces at home Being a good role model Reading aloud Ask questions while reading Read a variety of reading materials Check out our websites for engaging links!
General Parent Information Progress reports 1 st and 3 rd quarter Newsletters will be posted on our websites Parent conferences Concerns may be ed or leave a message at Timmons, Website for information