St. Margaret’s Co-educational English Secondary & Primary School Parents’ Briefing Session 19 June 2010
Aims To understand the curriculum, activities and information about the School in To reinforce the communication between parents and the School
Message from Message from Mrs. Grace Tam Principal
Common Objectives on Outcome of Students Caring Enthusiastic Positive All-round Independent, positive responsible 21 st Century Global Citizen with an international perspective and ability to solve problems and face challenges with confidence
共同目標:學生表現 Caring 具愛心 Enthusiastic 有活力 Positive 態度積極 All-round 全人發展 獨立自主,積極 自發,負責任, 具國際視野及解 難能力之世界公 民,有能力面對 人生各項挑戰
Tips for Parents Do help your child to be independent Don’t overprotect your child Do allow them to have more exposure and experiences Don’t tie them down with academic work only Do help them acquire good habits, be firm Don’t spoil them Do respect each child to be an individual Don’t compare with others Do focus on whether your child has learned Don’t be bothered by marks/regrouping
家長的錦囊 應該 不應該 幫助孩子獨立 過份保護 讓孩子有多樣化的經歷 只顧學業 幫助孩子養成好習慣 縱壞孩子 尊重每個孩子是獨特的 與他人比較 重視孩子是否學會了 / 有效學習 為分數 / 分組煩 惱
Do forgive other child’s wrong- doings, educating them is more important than punishing them Don’t refuse to admit your child’s wrong- doings, our focus is educating the child Do trust our professionalism but constructive suggestions are welcome What we do is the best for your child Don’t criticize the school or teacher in front of your child, come and talk to us Do come and participate in educating your child Don’t just let teachers do all the work Do set an example for life- long learning Don’t be left behind by society
家長的錦囊 應該不應該 將心比己,體諒其他 孩子一時的過錯 只要求嚴懲他人,否 認自己孩子的問題 信任我們團隊的專業, 歡迎建設性的意見 在孩子面前批評學校 / 老師,請與我們聯 絡 與我們攜手教育孩子 只倚靠教師教育孩子 給孩子終身自學的榜 樣 落後於社會發展
Communication Channels Telephone Letters Intranet, s Interview by Appointment Class Teachers / Subject Teachers Ms Catherina Cheng (VP, Academic) Ms Lo Siu Yin (VP, Non-academic) Ms Nancy Lee (VP, Primary) Mrs Grace Tam (Principal)
溝通渠道 電話 信 內聯網, 電子郵件 約見 班主任 / 科任老師 鄭慕賢副校長 ( 學務 ) 盧小燕副校長 ( 非學務 ) 李蘭苑副校長 ( 小學 ) 譚張潔凝校長 ( 校長 )
For the next 12 years, let’s work together to realize our ‘Through – train’ vision.
未來十二年請與我們合作實現 我們相信的「一條龍」教育理念
Monday to Thursday 8:15 am – 3:20 pm Friday 8:15 am – 4:05 pm Monday to Friday Homework Club 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm (Optional) Monday 12:50 pm – 1:35 pm Uniform Teams / JPC / CYC/ I.A School Hours
*P.1 to P.2Three Classes (3 / 4 Groups) Regrouping after 1 st & 2 nd Assessment for more effective learning & teaching Class Structure
* P.3 to P.6 Two Classes (3 Groups) *S.1 to S.2 Four Classes (5 groups for major subjects) *S.3 to S.5 Three Classes (4 groups for major subjects) *S.6 to S.7 Two Classes
Class size *Junior Primary : around 21 – 24 students in one group *Senior Primary & Junior Secondary: about 34 students in one class, and then split into smaller groups on need basis *Senior Secondary Section: depending on individual subjects
SubjectLessons (45mins) Medium of Instruction P.1 P. 2 P.3 & 4 English English Chinese Putonghua Modern Language (French, Spanish &Japanese) (French/Spanish/Japanese) ( PTH for Non-Chinese students) Mathematics5 5 5 English General Studies English Time Allocation and MOI
Modern Languages French Spanish Japanese Putonghua ( For Non-Chinese students)
SubjectLessons (45mins) Medium of Instruction P.1 Arts Education 2 Physical Education 2 Dramatic Arts / Dance (1/1) Talent Class 1 Learning to Learn 1 Religious Studies 1 Life Education 1 (Mother Tongue) Uniform Team 1 Mainly English Time Allocation and MOI
P.1 Sample Time-table
Talent Class/Uniform Team *P.1 to P.4 Talent Classes (School Hour) Fee Charging Classes (optional) *Other levels Saturday - School Teams
Uniform and Service Teams (P.1 & P.2 - during weekdays’ lunch) Brownie/Girl Guide Cub Scout/Grasshopper Road Safety Patrol Community Youth Club Junior Police Call
Curriculum Emphasis: Self-learning Learning corners in classroom Project-based learning Problem-based learning (senior level) Life-wide learning Visits, interviews, authentic learning experiences Preparation for Liberal Studies
Curriculum Integration Cross-curricular Activity Weeks e.g. P.1 Animals P.2 Multi-culture P.3 Environment P.4 Stories P.5 Civilization P.6 First People & Mythology
Curriculum Individual Differences * Regrouping in English, Chinese and Mathematics in P.1 to P.6 after each term * Enhancement/Enrichment Classes at 3:20 pm – 4:05 pm after school * Homework Club at 3:20 pm – 5:30 pm after school (optional)
Textbooks English: Phonics Book & School-based Materials Third Languages, Learning to Learn, Religious Studies & Life Education: School-based Materials
Textbooks Chinese books (No ) for all students Putonghua Book (No. 39) for Non-Chinese Students Phonic Fun E-book (No. 3 & No. 4) optional Dictionaries (No.5 & No. 30) for reference
Reading Scheme Lunch and Morning Reading Reading Journal (Award) Encourage students to always bring a book to read Book Corner in classroom
Assignment Policy Students are expected to finish most of the assignments at school Students might spend half to one hour on homework Homework and message to parents will be uploaded to intranet every day
Assessment P.1 Continuous Assessment With regrouping in English, Mathematics and Chinese after the assessment Comments for all subjects P.2 and Up Summative and Formative Assessment Regrouping in English, Maths and Chinese Marks in all subjects except Life Education
Upgrading Promotion Scheme
Gifted Education Programme Authentic learning experience outside school – e.g. Little Scientist Gifted courses offered by EDB and other education institutes School workshop – Creativity, Leadership, Communication skills
Discipline & Guidance Summer Uniform ~ short white socks
Discipline & Guidance Winter Uniform ~ long grey socks (girls) ~ short/long white socks (boys)
Discipline & Guidance PE Uniform ~ four houses
School Shoes & School Bag
Library for Parents Tuesday to Friday 3:30p.m.– 5:30p.m. (With Student Card)
Talent Classes (Tuesday/ Thursday afternoon ) Library Helpers (Lunch, afternoon or Saturday morning) Lunch Auntie (Lunch) Recruit Parent Helpers
Ordering : Textbooks, School Uniform, School Shoes, School Bus Service, Schoolbag Reminder
2 August 2010Pay school fee balance Collect textbooks (9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.) Mid of August 2010 (Letter) ~ Subjects Briefing Session (21/8/2010) ~ (1:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.) Confirm School Bus, Collect Schoolbag, School Uniform & School shoes Reminder
School Website: ( check homework, school notices and school information) Reminder
Thank You