SANWAD District Administration Sivasagar ASSAM
We have achieved SWARAJ ( Self-Government ) now we will have to attain the SURAJ (Good Governance). -- Mahatma Gandhi. -- Mahatma Gandhi.
Aims And Objectives To develop an efficient honest, sensitive, simplified, clean and effective administrative system To develop an efficient honest, sensitive, simplified, clean and effective administrative system To provide quick and reliable Govt Services and IT Facilities at the door step of common man by saving their valuable time and resources. To provide quick and reliable Govt Services and IT Facilities at the door step of common man by saving their valuable time and resources.
Available Facilities at Sanwad Kendra Online Services – Government to Citizen services like Public Grievance, Birth Certificate, Land sale Permission, Permanent Resident Certificate Legal Heir Certificate, Domicile Certificate etc Web Access and Internet Services GP wise details of Govt schemes arket Prices of Agricultural produce. Online public grievance service General Information about the district. Tender Notification
Offline Services – DTP Facility Digital Photography - Passport /Family Photograph. Computer Training Course Scanning of Photograph/documents CD writing facility, Xerox/Photostat and FAX facilities. Sanwad Kendra Will Also Function as PCO
Home Page of Sanwad Web Site. User can access various information by clicking on the links available. Only Registered user can access login section part such as data entry, schematic database, Govt services etc.
User Menu All online databases can be accessed from User Menu
Online Application Receipt Form
Available Govt Services at Sanwad Kendra- Copy of Land Record Copy of Land Record Land sale Permission Land sale Permission Permanent Resident Certificate Permanent Resident Certificate Domicile Certificate, Domicile Certificate, Birth Certificate Birth Certificate Legal Heir Certificate Legal Heir Certificate Permission for holding Public Function Permission for holding Public Function Copy of the Order of the Court of Executive Magistrate/Revenue Court Copy of the Order of the Court of Executive Magistrate/Revenue Court Bakijai ( Recovery) Clearance Certificate Bakijai ( Recovery) Clearance Certificate Registration of Complaint etc.. Registration of Complaint etc..
Service Delivery mechanism -- Due to legal implication online delivery of the certificates etc can’t be made. Due to legal implication online delivery of the certificates etc can’t be made. Presently applications received at CIC / Sanwad Kendra are delivered at D.C/ SDO’s office by special messenger who further collects the certificates, orders etc. issued in the D.C/SDO’s office against the applications received earlier Presently applications received at CIC / Sanwad Kendra are delivered at D.C/ SDO’s office by special messenger who further collects the certificates, orders etc. issued in the D.C/SDO’s office against the applications received earlier Applicant takes delivery of certificate, order etc from CIC/SK Applicant takes delivery of certificate, order etc from CIC/SK
Online Query format to the GP wise Govt. Scheme Database
Results of Online Query displayed in the Screen
Online Public Grievance Entry Format (Bi-Lingual)
MP/MLA Scheme Query Result
Departmental Scheme Entry Form
Administrative Menu
Online Query For PDS monthly Allocation
PDS Query Result Showing GP Wise list of Agent and PDS commodity allocated to them
Estimated cost of setting up a kiosk & Funding pattern : Estimated cost of setting up a kiosk is Rs. 75,000/- which includes one PC, Laser MFD, Digital Camera, Inkjet printer etc. Estimated cost of setting up a kiosk is Rs. 75,000/- which includes one PC, Laser MFD, Digital Camera, Inkjet printer etc. Funding Pattern- 34% by the Stakeholder. 34% by the Stakeholder. 33% Bank Loan 33% Bank Loan 33% by GAIL in the form of Subsidy. 33% by GAIL in the form of Subsidy. Training and other support services are provided by NIC and District Administration. Training and other support services are provided by NIC and District Administration. The Project is designed by NIC unit of the District. The Project is designed by NIC unit of the District. Some Cyber Cafe and Computer Centershave also been authorized to run as Sanwad Kendra Some Cyber Cafe and Computer Centershave also been authorized to run as Sanwad Kendra
Sustainability of the Kiosk The Kiosk will economically be viable and sustainable because Low investment by KIOSK Operator Low investment by KIOSK Operator Subsidy Component Subsidy Component Substantial bank credit. Substantial bank credit. Plurality of income source Plurality of income source Encouraging response of the people in getting time bound service and reliable information at minimal charges. Encouraging response of the people in getting time bound service and reliable information at minimal charges.
Achievement : Apart from 9 CICs 20 more Kiosk/ Sanwad Kendra have been set up. Apart from 9 CICs 20 more Kiosk/ Sanwad Kendra have been set up. Application forms have been simplified, standardized and made bi-lingual and available for download from the website. Application forms have been simplified, standardized and made bi-lingual and available for download from the website. Overwhelming response of the public. Overwhelming response of the public. Substantial amount generated within short time. Substantial amount generated within short time.
Constraints and Challenges Lack of computer centers and cyber café in the district Lack of computer centers and cyber café in the district Mind set of Govt Functionaries, Demotivated and resistance to change Mind set of Govt Functionaries, Demotivated and resistance to change Other Govt offices are not computerized, lack of back up support Other Govt offices are not computerized, lack of back up support Lack of capacity, non availability of trained and tech savvy employee in Govt system Lack of capacity, non availability of trained and tech savvy employee in Govt system Financial Constraints. Financial Constraints.
Road Ahead On line processing and delivery of services On line processing and delivery of services One Kiosk will be set up in each GP / Ward. One Kiosk will be set up in each GP / Ward. Entire project will be converted in local language Entire project will be converted in local language Connectivity with Hospitals, tele medicine facilty Connectivity with Hospitals, tele medicine facilty VSAT connectivity VSAT connectivity Addition of more services and improving the quality of services Addition of more services and improving the quality of services
THANK YOU District Administration SivasagarASSAM