This is a Android based citizen centric Mobile Application which includes following features: 1. Information regarding Citizens’ Services: The application will display the basic information, workflow process, fee details and application form download. This is mostly static information & any changes will be incorporated through update information option in application. This information has been incorporated from Haryana Government’s Jansahayak website. 2. Officer’s detail/Contact Information: All the officer’s contact detail will be displayed from district Jind website. Updated information can be downloaded on the mobile by clicking a button on the mobile app. 3. District News: Recent news of the District will be displayed. An interface to upload brief news and two photographs has been given to DIPRO-Office, Jind. The Citizen can download latest 20 news by click of a button on the mobile app. 4. Report Incident/ Lodge Grievance: Citizen can upload any incident/ Grievance with a facility to type basic information about the incident/ Grievance and a document/ Photograph can also be uploaded about incident/ Grievance. The incident/ Grievance will be registered on the website and the server will issue a unique reference to the citizen. The status of which can be tracked. Grievances received through mobile app will be fed into the Harsamadhan portal for status monitoring and action by concerned departments. 5. View Application Status: It will give submenus and by choosing the service one can know the status. Initially certificate services will be linked. Other services will be added later once the Application Controlling Department provides the API (Application Programming Interface). 6. Important Govt. Websites: Links to important websites has been given. Initially mygov, National portal of india, Haryana government website, jansahayak and results website have been provided.
All the links to Check Complaint Status, Complaint Register, Latest News, and News Upload are available at home page.