Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement Agenda Welcome and Introductions Overview of Negotiations Review of Changes Implementation
Human Resources Negotiation Team Linda Miller- SGPS Stephen Sims- SGPS Michael Milde- SGPS Ron Wagler- SGPS Jane O’Brien- HR Jennifer Schroeder- HR
Human Resources Negotiations Reached agreement over four days between June and October (timing affected by Province’s wage restraint consultation meetings) New Collective Agreement effective September 1, 2010
Human Resources Overview of Changes Two year agreement (expires August 30, 2012) Definition additions Information for the Union Services and facilities obligation reminder and nursing mother space Changes to grievance and arbitration procedure Clarification of evaluation article Clarification of Union representation at meetings regarding employment performance Changes in lump sum amounts Health and Safety training follow-up Split article to add new “Intellectual Property Article” Clarification around pregnancy/parental leave New “Conflict of Interest Article” Increase in amounts given to Union for health care plan and financial aid fund Letter of Understanding to discuss Non-Discrimination/Harassment Article
Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement Definitions “Days” means business days. GTAship means the employment contract between a registered full-time graduate student and the Employer (Note: clarification in Letter of Understanding that this does not restrict GTAship employment for those individuals who are unable to fulfill full-time graduate student hours by reason of disability)
Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement Information for Union Article 6.06 SGPS will provide the Union Local with a list of active employees (including employee identification number, name, program, degree, e- mail, hiring department and hours per week) each term –For the Union’s use regarding Health Care Plan All request for information on GTAs/Grad Students should be referred to SGPS
Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement Services and Facilities Article 8 SGPS will remind Departments, Schools and Faculties annually of their obligation to provide the resources outlined in 8.06 New 8.07 which provides that a pregnant or nursing employee may request accommodations to enable her to perform her GTA duties. Nursing employees shall have access to private facilities for the nursing and changing of infants. The employee shall meet with the Graduate Chair to discuss possible arrangements. Such requests shall not be arbitrarily denied
Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement Grievance and Arbitration Wording change to match addition of days to definitions Grievances submitted to arbitration will be heard by a single arbitrator agreed upon by the parties as opposed to a panel of three
Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement Evaluation Article 13 Clarification in that the Employer may conduct an evaluation during the term.
Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement Discipline, Suspension and Discharge Article 15 Clarification in that employees have the right to union representation at any meeting convened with the Employer to discuss any aspect of their employment performance. Expansion of the notice of a discipline meeting from 24 hours to 3 days with notice to the Union Local in Article 15.04
Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement Pay Rates One-time payments continued for this Collective Agreement 2010/11 amounts: 0.5 to 4.9 hours per week:$ to 9.9 hours per week:$ hours per week;$ /12 amounts: Totally prorated 10 hour amount of $ Only Appendices A and B to be used, without amendments No references in Offer Letters to one-time payments Vacation pay to accrue on one-time payments (18.03)
Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement How to make a general funding letter for ? “In addition to the funding package described above and as long as you are appointed as a TA, you will receive an additional ‘one-time payment’ of XX per term as outlined in the collective agreement between the University and PSAC.”
Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement General Amendments Article Health and Safety Within 6 weeks of the start of each academic term, the Employer will advise Faculties of those GTAs within that Faculty who have not completed the required WHMIS training Article Distribution Limited copies being printed with reference to full agreement on the HR website
Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement Intellectual Property Article 23 Existing article (Academic Freedom Article) moved to create a new Article entitled “Intellectual Property”
Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement Leaves of Absence Article Pregnancy and Parental Language of the Article has been amended to provide better clarity Most recent contract now can be within 8 months rather than 4 months
Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement New Article – Conflict of Interest Article 28 Each employee occupies a position of trust in dealing with others inside and outside the University. Whatever the area of activity or degree of responsibility, the University expects each employee to act in a manner that will enhance the University’s reputation for ethical performance in all its dealings. It is the responsibility of the employee to disclose possible conflicts of interest with respect to carrying out her/his duties. The conflict or possible conflict will be formally disclosed in writing to the Person designated by the Department, School or Faculty before any action or decision is taken. The Person designated by the Department, School or Faculty, after consultation with the employee and any other appropriate persons, shall determine whether a conflict, actual or apparent, exists, and determine an appropriate course of action as per University Policy. The Union Regional Representative will be notified upon determination of a conflict.
Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement Conflict of Interest continued... There are numerous ways in which conflict of interest can arise. Examples include relationships that involve a sexual or close personal relationship with a current student, teaching a student who is a close relative or close friend, excessive socializing with students outside class, lending money or goods to, or borrowing from students, or offering additional instruction to a student or a group of students outside of the regular class for a fee. In addition to the reporting requirements under 28.02, employees are encouraged to discuss any possible conflict of interest with the Union Local as soon as possible. Clarity note in new Letter of Understanding: –The application of this article is limited to GTA related employment activities. –The term ‘student’ in this Article does not refer to other GTAs, graduate or undergraduate students with whom the employee is not engaged in a supervisory capacity. The borrowing and lending of nominal items that arise naturally from the GTA-student relationship (i.e., books related to the subject of inquiry or interest) and that would not give rise to a reasonable apprehension of bias or bribery, are not contemplated in this Article.
Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement Letters of Understanding An increase of $10 per employee to contribute towards the cost of the health care plan arranged and administered by the local An increase in the amount given to the local each year to use as the GTA financial aid fund New letter of understanding whereby the parties have agreed to engage in discussion in relation to a University wide policy on Discrimination and Harassment
Human Resources GTA Collective Agreement Questions?